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Quote:Look at her version of Boinc! It is 6.8.44, it seems to be working but GOOD GRIEF that is old!!! Actually,...
6th May 2013
As ever, two computers need to return a good result before the validator checks the outcome and perhaps grants credit. In...
6th May 2013
Luckily for you, this project has its own setting with which you can set how many tasks run on the GPU. So why not do away...
4th May 2013
Are you sure that everything is on HTTPS? 5/3/2013 9:23:15 PM | Albert@Home | update requested by user 5/3/2013 9:23:...
3rd May 2013
Any specific reason why you're using beta-7.0.59 and not the recommended 7.0.64? In BOINC Manager, what's under Activity...
3rd May 2013