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Jord commented on Too many work units
Jouw BOINC heeft geen enkel fout resultaat geupload en gerapporteerd. Zonder die twee handelingen, zal er dus ook niemand...
18th September 2013
Quote:...old ATI files messed things up. Next time, instead of reinstalling Windows and updating that and thus sit...
15th September 2013
With your computers hidden it is difficult to see what kind of GPU you use, but if it's an AMD/ATI, then make sure that...
14th September 2013
RH wrote:Is it possible to merge this thread with the matching one at MilkyWay@home? :P Just wondering, doesn't...
10th September 2013
Quote:AND I couldn't find anything about just making up another cc_config file - even with my hyper-advanced [sic]...
10th September 2013