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Alex started discussion Intel Core ix and Open CL
Today I installed a brand new i3 system. I've seen, that a very intresting program is installed: OpenCL 1.1 Unterstützung...
26th May 2012
Congratulations! To get the same results with my both cards I need to switch over to the 36h-day!
26th May 2012
Quote:These two jobs are not really comparable tho: one is a brand-new (1.25) prototype for an OpenCL app specifically...
24th May 2012
Quote:Speed gain? No, speed loss. The new 1.25 is a test app for the validation problems of the HD69XX series....
24th May 2012
Quote: just measurement, some statistics and a few ideas about attractiveness of different approaches for GPGPU....
24th May 2012