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Quote: 2) I also noticed that for the CUDA tasks that have already been validated there is a vast difference in the...
1st December 2012
Hello folks, not long ago there was a discussion here @ einstein about performance and the old, old question: nVidia or...
30th November 2012
Alex commented on SuperHost reminder
Hi Gary, thanks for your reply, I apreciate that. Your absolutely right, without permission noone should even try to...
27th November 2012
Alex commented on SuperHost reminder
first wu is finished now. Uploaded and accepted by einstein, waiting for validation. Wu was downloaded running on an i7...
26th November 2012
HD7990 available 4096 stream processors, 3x8 pin power connector! theoretical performance: 12 wu's / hr , 144000 credits/...
26th November 2012