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Alex commented on Low Credits
You are right, credit is ~24% lower as for the S6LV1 tasks. That's an average over 4 systems.
10th January 2013
found that on (sorry, german)
6th January 2013
FGRP2 TFLOPS decrease now (190) and overall TFLOPS still increase (1034), so I would say it is a true, honest record.
6th January 2013
Quote:Don't waste time on trying to run openCL Apps on gpu's <~ HD5000 series Supported are OpenCL 1.2 capable GPU'...
3rd January 2013
don't give up, there is a way to do that with a cc_config.xml, and it is easy. I do not know it by brain and I'm out for 3...
2nd January 2013