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Alex commented on AMD R290/R290X
I will wait with my decision until 1.Q 2014 Maxwell, the next generation of nVidias GPU is said to be 4x faster /...
17th December 2013
Alex commented on ARM Linux
Quote:Nice to see you wising up ;) MrS Wise and faster, but thermal instable. Is out of order for rework to...
17th December 2013
Quote:[09:49:30][4088][ERROR] Error in OpenCL context: Out of device memory. [09:49:30][4088][ERROR] Error in OpenCL...
15th December 2013
Quote:Hi I tried running the Intel GPU app but it seems like it doesn't like my computer; I have a Mid 2012 MacBook...
14th December 2013
Alex commented on hide comp
Quote:hi guys, i didn't find any menu for setting the computers to "hidden". How do i do that? Under 'Your Account...
12th December 2013