28 Jan 2025 18:17:46 UTC
28 Jan 2025 22:21:31 UTC
11 Feb 2025 22:21:31 UTC
29 Jan 2025 0:25:30 UTC
0 (0x00000000)
Binary Radio Pulsar Search (MeerKAT) v0.12 (BRP7-cuda55)
windows_x86_64 |
<core_client_version>8.0.2</core_client_version> <![CDATA[ <stderr_txt> Activated exception handling... [16:22:28][13668][INFO ] Starting data processing... [16:22:28][13668][INFO ] CUDA device ID: 0 [16:22:28][13668][INFO ] CUDA global memory status (initial GPU state, including context): ------> Used in total: 1063 MB (7133 MB free / 8196 MB total) -> Used by this application (assuming a single GPU task): 0 MB [16:22:28][13668][INFO ] Using CUDA device #0 "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 SUPER" (0 CUDA cores / 0.00 GFLOPS) [16:22:28][13668][INFO ] Version of installed CUDA driver: 12070 [16:22:28][13668][INFO ] Version of CUDA driver API used: 3020 [16:22:37][13668][INFO ] Number of generated templates to be used: 50000 [16:22:37][13668][INFO ] Checkpoint file unavailable: Ter5_1_dns_cfbf00113_segment_8_dms_200_144.cpt (No error). ------> Starting from scratch... [16:22:38][13668][INFO ] Header contents: ------> Original WAPP file: /atlas/data/TRAPUM_GC/Terzan5/epoch1/30min_segments/dedispersed_files/cfbf00113/Ter5_1_dns_cfbf00113_segment_8_dms_200_DM244.40 ------> Sample time in microseconds: 153.121 ------> Observation time in seconds: 2568.9524 ------> Time stamp (MJD): 59097.817329561243 ------> Number of samples/record: 0 ------> Center freq in MHz: 857.5673828 ------> Channel band in MHz: 3.34375 ------> Number of channels/record: 256 ------> Nifs: 1 ------> RA (J2000): 174804.33 ------> DEC (J2000): -244749.700001 ------> Galactic l: 0 ------> Galactic b: 0 ------> Name: J1748-2446N ------> Lagformat: 0 ------> Sum: 1 ------> Level: 3 ------> AZ at start: 0 ------> ZA at start: 0 ------> AST at start: 0 ------> LST at start: 0 ------> Project ID: -- ------> Observers: -- ------> File size (bytes): 0 ------> Data size (bytes): 0 ------> Number of samples: 16777216 ------> Trial dispersion measure: 244.4 cm^-3 pc ------> Scale factor: 1.57764 [16:22:38][13668][INFO ] Seed for random number generator is -1038938596. [16:22:43][13668][INFO ] Derived global search parameters: ------> f_A probability = 0.04 ------> single bin prob(P_noise > P_thr) = 3.24424e-009 ------> thr1 = 19.5464 ------> thr2 = 22.7124 ------> thr4 = 27.844 ------> thr8 = 36.3869 ------> thr16 = 50.9469 [16:22:43][13668][INFO ] CUDA global memory status (GPU setup complete): ------> Used in total: 1908 MB (6288 MB free / 8196 MB total) -> Used by this application (assuming a single GPU task): 845 MB [16:23:33][13668][INFO ] Checkpoint committed! [16:24:38][13668][INFO ] Checkpoint committed! Activated exception handling... [16:28:05][14628][INFO ] Starting data processing... [16:28:05][14628][INFO ] CUDA device ID: 0 [16:28:05][14628][INFO ] CUDA global memory status (initial GPU state, including context): ------> Used in total: 1063 MB (7133 MB free / 8196 MB total) -> Used by this application (assuming a single GPU task): 0 MB [16:28:05][14628][INFO ] Using CUDA device #0 "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 SUPER" (0 CUDA cores / 0.00 GFLOPS) [16:28:05][14628][INFO ] Version of installed CUDA driver: 12070 [16:28:05][14628][INFO ] Version of CUDA driver API used: 3020 [16:28:12][14628][INFO ] Number of generated templates to be used: 50000 [16:28:12][14628][INFO ] Continuing work on ../../projects/einstein.phys.uwm.edu/Ter5_1_dns_cfbf00113_segment_8_dms_200_144.binary at template no. 2855 [16:28:12][14628][INFO ] Header contents: ------> Original WAPP file: /atlas/data/TRAPUM_GC/Terzan5/epoch1/30min_segments/dedispersed_files/cfbf00113/Ter5_1_dns_cfbf00113_segment_8_dms_200_DM244.40 ------> Sample time in microseconds: 153.121 ------> Observation time in seconds: 2568.9524 ------> Time stamp (MJD): 59097.817329561243 ------> Number of samples/record: 0 ------> Center freq in MHz: 857.5673828 ------> Channel band in MHz: 3.34375 ------> Number of channels/record: 256 ------> Nifs: 1 ------> RA (J2000): 174804.33 ------> DEC (J2000): -244749.700001 ------> Galactic l: 0 ------> Galactic b: 0 ------> Name: J1748-2446N ------> Lagformat: 0 ------> Sum: 1 ------> Level: 3 ------> AZ at start: 0 ------> ZA at start: 0 ------> AST at start: 0 ------> LST at start: 0 ------> Project ID: -- ------> Observers: -- ------> File size (bytes): 0 ------> Data size (bytes): 0 ------> Number of samples: 16777216 ------> Trial dispersion measure: 244.4 cm^-3 pc ------> Scale factor: 1.57764 [16:28:12][14628][INFO ] Seed for random number generator is -1038938596. [16:28:15][14628][INFO ] Derived global search parameters: ------> f_A probability = 0.04 ------> single bin prob(P_noise > P_thr) = 3.24424e-009 ------> thr1 = 19.5464 ------> thr2 = 22.7124 ------> thr4 = 27.844 ------> thr8 = 36.3869 ------> thr16 = 50.9469 [16:28:15][14628][INFO ] CUDA global memory status (GPU setup complete): ------> Used in total: 1462 MB (6734 MB free / 8196 MB total) -> Used by this application (assuming a single GPU task): 399 MB [16:29:10][14628][INFO ] Checkpoint committed! [16:30:15][14628][INFO ] Checkpoint committed! [16:31:20][14628][INFO ] Checkpoint committed! [16:32:25][14628][INFO ] Checkpoint committed! [16:33:31][14628][INFO ] Checkpoint committed! [16:34:36][14628][INFO ] Checkpoint committed! Activated exception handling... [16:39:16][7760][INFO ] Starting data processing... [16:39:16][7760][INFO ] CUDA device ID: 0 [16:39:16][7760][INFO ] CUDA global memory status (initial GPU state, including context): ------> Used in total: 1063 MB (7133 MB free / 8196 MB total) -> Used by this application (assuming a single GPU task): 0 MB [16:39:16][7760][INFO ] Using CUDA device #0 "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 SUPER" (0 CUDA cores / 0.00 GFLOPS) [16:39:16][7760][INFO ] Version of installed CUDA driver: 12070 [16:39:16][7760][INFO ] Version of CUDA driver API used: 3020 [16:39:23][7760][INFO ] Number of generated templates to be used: 50000 [16:39:23][7760][INFO ] Continuing work on ../../projects/einstein.phys.uwm.edu/Ter5_1_dns_cfbf00113_segment_8_dms_200_144.binary at template no. 12172 [16:39:23][7760][INFO ] Header contents: ------> Original WAPP file: /atlas/data/TRAPUM_GC/Terzan5/epoch1/30min_segments/dedispersed_files/cfbf00113/Ter5_1_dns_cfbf00113_segment_8_dms_200_DM244.40 ------> Sample time in microseconds: 153.121 ------> Observation time in seconds: 2568.9524 ------> Time stamp (MJD): 59097.817329561243 ------> Number of samples/record: 0 ------> Center freq in MHz: 857.5673828 ------> Channel band in MHz: 3.34375 ------> Number of channels/record: 256 ------> Nifs: 1 ------> RA (J2000): 174804.33 ------> DEC (J2000): -244749.700001 ------> Galactic l: 0 ------> Galactic b: 0 ------> Name: J1748-2446N ------> Lagformat: 0 ------> Sum: 1 ------> Level: 3 ------> AZ at start: 0 ------> ZA at start: 0 ------> AST at start: 0 ------> LST at start: 0 ------> Project ID: -- ------> Observers: -- ------> File size (bytes): 0 ------> Data size (bytes): 0 ------> Number of samples: 16777216 ------> Trial dispersion measure: 244.4 cm^-3 pc ------> Scale factor: 1.57764 [16:39:23][7760][INFO ] Seed for random number generator is -1038938596. [16:39:26][7760][INFO ] Derived global search parameters: ------> f_A probability = 0.04 ------> single bin prob(P_noise > P_thr) = 3.24424e-009 ------> thr1 = 19.5464 ------> thr2 = 22.7124 ------> thr4 = 27.844 ------> thr8 = 36.3869 ------> thr16 = 50.9469 [16:39:26][7760][INFO ] CUDA global memory status (GPU setup complete): ------> Used in total: 1462 MB (6734 MB free / 8196 MB total) -> Used by this application (assuming a single GPU task): 399 MB [16:40:21][7760][INFO ] Checkpoint committed! [16:41:26][7760][INFO ] Checkpoint committed! [16:42:31][7760][INFO ] Checkpoint committed! [16:43:36][7760][INFO ] Checkpoint committed! [16:44:42][7760][INFO ] Checkpoint committed! [16:45:47][7760][INFO ] Checkpoint committed! [16:46:52][7760][INFO ] Checkpoint committed! [16:47:57][7760][INFO ] Checkpoint committed! [16:49:02][7760][INFO ] Checkpoint committed! [16:50:07][7760][INFO ] Checkpoint committed! [16:51:12][7760][INFO ] Checkpoint committed! [16:52:17][7760][INFO ] Checkpoint committed! [16:53:22][7760][INFO ] Checkpoint committed! [16:54:27][7760][INFO ] Checkpoint committed! [16:55:32][7760][INFO ] Checkpoint committed! [16:56:37][7760][INFO ] Checkpoint committed! [16:57:43][7760][INFO ] Checkpoint committed! Activated exception handling... [17:06:59][7512][INFO ] Starting data processing... [17:06:59][7512][INFO ] CUDA device ID: 0 [17:06:59][7512][INFO ] CUDA global memory status (initial GPU state, including context): ------> Used in total: 1056 MB (7140 MB free / 8196 MB total) -> Used by this application (assuming a single GPU task): 0 MB [17:06:59][7512][INFO ] Using CUDA device #0 "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 SUPER" (0 CUDA cores / 0.00 GFLOPS) [17:06:59][7512][INFO ] Version of installed CUDA driver: 12070 [17:06:59][7512][INFO ] Version of CUDA driver API used: 3020 [17:07:08][7512][INFO ] Number of generated templates to be used: 50000 [17:07:08][7512][INFO ] Continuing work on ../../projects/einstein.phys.uwm.edu/Ter5_1_dns_cfbf00113_segment_8_dms_200_144.binary at template no. 39473 [17:07:08][7512][INFO ] Header contents: ------> Original WAPP file: /atlas/data/TRAPUM_GC/Terzan5/epoch1/30min_segments/dedispersed_files/cfbf00113/Ter5_1_dns_cfbf00113_segment_8_dms_200_DM244.40 ------> Sample time in microseconds: 153.121 ------> Observation time in seconds: 2568.9524 ------> Time stamp (MJD): 59097.817329561243 ------> Number of samples/record: 0 ------> Center freq in MHz: 857.5673828 ------> Channel band in MHz: 3.34375 ------> Number of channels/record: 256 ------> Nifs: 1 ------> RA (J2000): 174804.33 ------> DEC (J2000): -244749.700001 ------> Galactic l: 0 ------> Galactic b: 0 ------> Name: J1748-2446N ------> Lagformat: 0 ------> Sum: 1 ------> Level: 3 ------> AZ at start: 0 ------> ZA at start: 0 ------> AST at start: 0 ------> LST at start: 0 ------> Project ID: -- ------> Observers: -- ------> File size (bytes): 0 ------> Data size (bytes): 0 ------> Number of samples: 16777216 ------> Trial dispersion measure: 244.4 cm^-3 pc ------> Scale factor: 1.57764 [17:07:09][7512][INFO ] Seed for random number generator is -1038938596. [17:07:13][7512][INFO ] Derived global search parameters: ------> f_A probability = 0.04 ------> single bin prob(P_noise > P_thr) = 3.24424e-009 ------> thr1 = 19.5464 ------> thr2 = 22.7124 ------> thr4 = 27.844 ------> thr8 = 36.3869 ------> thr16 = 50.9469 [17:07:13][7512][INFO ] CUDA global memory status (GPU setup complete): ------> Used in total: 1462 MB (6734 MB free / 8196 MB total) -> Used by this application (assuming a single GPU task): 406 MB [17:08:04][7512][INFO ] Checkpoint committed! [17:09:09][7512][INFO ] Checkpoint committed! [17:10:14][7512][INFO ] Checkpoint committed! Activated exception handling... [17:13:22][1132][INFO ] Starting data processing... [17:13:22][1132][INFO ] CUDA device ID: 0 [17:13:22][1132][INFO ] CUDA global memory status (initial GPU state, including context): ------> Used in total: 1056 MB (7140 MB free / 8196 MB total) -> Used by this application (assuming a single GPU task): 0 MB [17:13:22][1132][INFO ] Using CUDA device #0 "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 SUPER" (0 CUDA cores / 0.00 GFLOPS) [17:13:22][1132][INFO ] Version of installed CUDA driver: 12070 [17:13:22][1132][INFO ] Version of CUDA driver API used: 3020 [17:13:31][1132][INFO ] Number of generated templates to be used: 50000 [17:13:32][1132][INFO ] Continuing work on ../../projects/einstein.phys.uwm.edu/Ter5_1_dns_cfbf00113_segment_8_dms_200_144.binary at template no. 44053 [17:13:32][1132][INFO ] Header contents: ------> Original WAPP file: /atlas/data/TRAPUM_GC/Terzan5/epoch1/30min_segments/dedispersed_files/cfbf00113/Ter5_1_dns_cfbf00113_segment_8_dms_200_DM244.40 ------> Sample time in microseconds: 153.121 ------> Observation time in seconds: 2568.9524 ------> Time stamp (MJD): 59097.817329561243 ------> Number of samples/record: 0 ------> Center freq in MHz: 857.5673828 ------> Channel band in MHz: 3.34375 ------> Number of channels/record: 256 ------> Nifs: 1 ------> RA (J2000): 174804.33 ------> DEC (J2000): -244749.700001 ------> Galactic l: 0 ------> Galactic b: 0 ------> Name: J1748-2446N ------> Lagformat: 0 ------> Sum: 1 ------> Level: 3 ------> AZ at start: 0 ------> ZA at start: 0 ------> AST at start: 0 ------> LST at start: 0 ------> Project ID: -- ------> Observers: -- ------> File size (bytes): 0 ------> Data size (bytes): 0 ------> Number of samples: 16777216 ------> Trial dispersion measure: 244.4 cm^-3 pc ------> Scale factor: 1.57764 [17:13:32][1132][INFO ] Seed for random number generator is -1038938596. [17:13:36][1132][INFO ] Derived global search parameters: ------> f_A probability = 0.04 ------> single bin prob(P_noise > P_thr) = 3.24424e-009 ------> thr1 = 19.5464 ------> thr2 = 22.7124 ------> thr4 = 27.844 ------> thr8 = 36.3869 ------> thr16 = 50.9469 [17:13:36][1132][INFO ] CUDA global memory status (GPU setup complete): ------> Used in total: 1462 MB (6734 MB free / 8196 MB total) -> Used by this application (assuming a single GPU task): 406 MB [17:14:27][1132][INFO ] Checkpoint committed! [17:15:32][1132][INFO ] Checkpoint committed! [17:16:37][1132][INFO ] Checkpoint committed! Activated exception handling... [17:23:29][13856][INFO ] Starting data processing... [17:23:29][13856][INFO ] CUDA device ID: 0 [17:23:29][13856][INFO ] CUDA global memory status (initial GPU state, including context): ------> Used in total: 1056 MB (7140 MB free / 8196 MB total) -> Used by this application (assuming a single GPU task): 0 MB [17:23:29][13856][INFO ] Using CUDA device #0 "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 SUPER" (0 CUDA cores / 0.00 GFLOPS) [17:23:29][13856][INFO ] Version of installed CUDA driver: 12070 [17:23:29][13856][INFO ] Version of CUDA driver API used: 3020 [17:23:39][13856][INFO ] Number of generated templates to be used: 50000 [17:23:39][13856][INFO ] Continuing work on ../../projects/einstein.phys.uwm.edu/Ter5_1_dns_cfbf00113_segment_8_dms_200_144.binary at template no. 48652 [17:23:39][13856][INFO ] Header contents: ------> Original WAPP file: /atlas/data/TRAPUM_GC/Terzan5/epoch1/30min_segments/dedispersed_files/cfbf00113/Ter5_1_dns_cfbf00113_segment_8_dms_200_DM244.40 ------> Sample time in microseconds: 153.121 ------> Observation time in seconds: 2568.9524 ------> Time stamp (MJD): 59097.817329561243 ------> Number of samples/record: 0 ------> Center freq in MHz: 857.5673828 ------> Channel band in MHz: 3.34375 ------> Number of channels/record: 256 ------> Nifs: 1 ------> RA (J2000): 174804.33 ------> DEC (J2000): -244749.700001 ------> Galactic l: 0 ------> Galactic b: 0 ------> Name: J1748-2446N ------> Lagformat: 0 ------> Sum: 1 ------> Level: 3 ------> AZ at start: 0 ------> ZA at start: 0 ------> AST at start: 0 ------> LST at start: 0 ------> Project ID: -- ------> Observers: -- ------> File size (bytes): 0 ------> Data size (bytes): 0 ------> Number of samples: 16777216 ------> Trial dispersion measure: 244.4 cm^-3 pc ------> Scale factor: 1.57764 [17:23:39][13856][INFO ] Seed for random number generator is -1038938596. [17:23:43][13856][INFO ] Derived global search parameters: ------> f_A probability = 0.04 ------> single bin prob(P_noise > P_thr) = 3.24424e-009 ------> thr1 = 19.5464 ------> thr2 = 22.7124 ------> thr4 = 27.844 ------> thr8 = 36.3869 ------> thr16 = 50.9469 [17:23:43][13856][INFO ] CUDA global memory status (GPU setup complete): ------> Used in total: 1900 MB (6296 MB free / 8196 MB total) -> Used by this application (assuming a single GPU task): 844 MB [17:24:34][13856][INFO ] Checkpoint committed! [17:24:37][13856][INFO ] Statistics: count dirty SumSpec pages 15 (not checkpointed), Page Size 1024, fundamental_idx_hi-window_2: 1926214 [17:24:37][13856][INFO ] Data processing finished successfully! 17:24:37 (13856): called boinc_finish(0) </stderr_txt> ]]>
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