
We have completed the database maintenance and are restarting the Einstein@Home project. Hopefully this will go well, but please be patient as it may take some time before everything is working smoothly again

April 24, 2009

We have completed the database maintenance and are restarting the Einstein@Home project. Hopefully this will go well, but please be patient as it may take some time before everything is working smoothly again. We are advancing the reporting deadlines for work in progress by 10 days, so that work already completed is not marked as unreturned. Because of the work on the database, contributors will NOT be able to see the status of work that was already completed in the past. However in the future, as before, contributors WILL be able to track this status.

The Einstein@Home project is finally back up and running properly

April 24, 2009

The Einstein@Home project is finally back up and running properly. The binary radio pulsar search may not be sending out new work for a couple of more days while we fix some VPN problems between the WU generator in Hannover and the project database in Milwaukee. However the S5R5 gravitational-wave search IS sending out plenty of work. Many thanks again to our loyal volunteers and contributors for their patience!

The database is still purging, at a rate of about 400,000 workunits per day

April 23, 2009

The database is still purging, at a rate of about 400,000 workunits per day. We expect that this process will be completed by about 06:00 UTC tomorrow. At that time, we will do some additional database maintenance (table optimization) and then restart the project. So in total about another 24 hours will still be needed to bring everything back to normal. Thanks again for your patience during this unfortunate and long outage.