50,079.83 ! Beware DogBytes!

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Topic 188589

I am on your scent DogBytes,,,I am going to get ya!

50,079.83 Woo Hooo!


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Fat B
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50,079.83 ! Beware DogBytes!

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I case you didn't notice

I case you didn't notice Timmy, I'm pulling away from you.
Teehee.......last one to 100,000 is a rotten egg!

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Fuzzy Hollynoodles
Fuzzy Hollynoodles
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> 60,000 > > OMG!

Message 8684 in response to message 8683

> 60,000


Gary Roberts
Gary Roberts
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> This dog is running

Message 8685 in response to message 8684

> This dog is running fast!!!

But not fast enough!! :).

The poor old Capn has dropped off the gangplank. I think he took fright when the dog barked at him!! :).

But I'm at 54,000 and I don't scare off when dogs bark!!

I've got 2,633 big RAC guns to shoot him down!!!


Edit: In case you hadn't noticed, all three of us (last three posters) joined on exactly the same day!! What a coincidence!! The class of Feb 09 is going to turn into one hell of a class!!

Edit2: A hell of a big class too!! Just look at the range of UserIDs!!


Fuzzy Hollynoodles
Fuzzy Hollynoodles
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> > This dog is running

Message 8686 in response to message 8685

> > This dog is running fast!!!
> But not fast enough!! :).
> The poor old Capn has dropped off the gangplank. I think he took fright when
> the dog barked at him!! :).
> But I'm at 54,000 and I don't scare off when dogs bark!!
> I've got 2,633 big RAC guns to shoot him down!!!
> ;).
> Edit: In case you hadn't noticed, all three of us (last three posters) joined
> on exactly the same day!! What a coincidence!! The class of Feb 09 is going
> to turn into one hell of a class!!
> Edit2: A hell of a big class too!! Just look at the range of UserIDs!!

Yes, the day we joined was the day they expanded the beta testing to a large group of testers, and soon after to normal crunching, so we, who joined right before on Feb 09 could keep our credit.

But I happen to know about Dogbytes that he has a tendency to give backwheel to everybody! ;-) So good luck!

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AT 82,000 and left the

AT 82,000 and left the Captain in the dust. However, we have a foul pirate in our midst running a rack of stolen computers which he has hidden down in the bildges. Blast the rotten sheep shaggers from the Land of Oz.

Gary Roberts
Gary Roberts
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> AT 82,000 and left the

Message 8688 in response to message 8687

> AT 82,000 and left the Captain in the dust.

At 108,000 and left the the dog with no bite in the dust :).

I thought I read somewhere....
"Teehee.......last one to 100,000 is a rotten egg!"

> ...a rack of stolen computers which he has hidden down in the bildges.

Arrrhh not down in the bilges mateys, up in the capn's cabin!! Not enough power points in the bilges, and all that salt water swillin around.... Anyways yer just a sore loser 'cause ya cain't get more'n 5 boxes in the brig!! :).

I thought som'un woulda learned ya to keep ya powder dry if ya aimed ta fire a broadside!!!

And thay's no sheep shaggers in OZ. Ya must be mistook fer NZ. Yer one letter out yer rabid powder puff poodle!! Only 'roos and koalas and wombats and Tassie devils and such like in Oz and thay's ain't worth shaggin!! :).


Celtic Wolf
Celtic Wolf
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Ya'll need to watch out,

Ya'll need to watch out, because I have a surprize about to be released :)

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