Error using BOINC on Xubuntu on a PowerPC

Pelayo Besa
Pelayo Besa
Joined: 29 Jun 06
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Topic 191943

I can't get BOINC to download any tasks. I keep recieving the message:

Message from server: platform 'powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu' not found

Then in the status I it tells me that it has been deferred for 24 hours.

Richard M
Richard M
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Error using BOINC on Xubuntu on a PowerPC


I can't get BOINC to download any tasks. I keep recieving the message:

Message from server: platform 'powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu' not found

Then in the status I it tells me that it has been deferred for 24 hours.

These are the current Einstein science applications and the OS platforms they run on. It looks like yours is not supported.

Pelayo Besa
Pelayo Besa
Joined: 29 Jun 06
Posts: 2
Credit: 21632
RAC: 0

Thanx. It was worth a

Thanx. It was worth a try.



Joined: 1 May 05
Posts: 50
Credit: 556797
RAC: 1190

SETI@Home is the only BOINC

SETI@Home is the only BOINC project, which supports Linux on PPC.

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