23 hours for a WU???

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RE: You're right, we hadn't

Message 47487 in response to message 47486

You're right, we hadn't mentioned that. And indeed, temperature problems can have rather dramatic effects. But then... I think Marvin said he only came across this problem recently. It's not very likely that a computer is running fine for months than suddenly getting too hot (in October, after a really hot summer) except a fan maybe got broken or too dirty and ceased working. That is possible I think- but in that case, having an expert look at the box is certainly the right way to go.

I had a case of finding units taking two to three times as long, screwed with my mind for a long time. Turns out the cause was a loose heatsink, and the processor was throttling itself to protect from damage (temperatures getting near 80 degrees). Went from 2.8 gig to 1.5 gig (roughly).

In my case, all it took was a bit of paste and a reseat, and all was well again. Might be worth checking (either temperatures or throttling).

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I too had a machine that blew

I too had a machine that blew out in WU processing time. Takes 38 to 39 hours. Machine is a Intel P4 2.53 @ 2.75 with 1 GB or RAM.
Used to run Einstein in about 8 hours or so, but then back in May/June or there abouts the WU's got longer and longer.
I thought it was the project as I changed nothing but my AMD 4800+ still did them in the same time as normal (5 to 7 hours).
Checked for viruses, spyware, etc and found nothing. Defragging made a small difference. Nothing else is running unless Microsoft is doing things I don't know about (which would be easy to do).
Reinstalled Boinc but still the same.
Checked and to the best of my knowledge the cou is not thermal throttled, I even removed the heatsink and used fresh thermal paste on it the cleaned all fans but no joy.
As I did not want to reformat, I just stopped Einstein and added Rosetta.
The computer is still running fine and Seti/Rosetta complete in normal run times so I don't know what Einstein's problem is.
Unable to offer a solution to others as I could not find one myself.

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1) I had leave applications

Message 47489 in response to message 47467

1) I had leave applications in memory on, but some how my AV was corrupting them in spite of the fact that i have excluded the Boinc folder.
2) I was working on some WU from Sztaki inspite of the fact that time to completion was shown as five houre the WU's were completing from somewhere like five minutes to a hundred hours? Any way what is important is that some how Sztaki scrambled up Boinc now all projects completion times are out. I can see that Boinc is trying to adjust but it may take a while.


Apparently I had the same problem on my last work unit. :( I've turned on the leave applications in memory option and will see if that helps. I may increase the application switch time later if this alone doesn't work. But I have another question. I can understand how the error would increase the computing time. But the current work unit I have in my queue has an estimated time of just over 1 day. Shouldn't the initial estimate still be 12-15 hours or something? It shouldn't assume there will be an error that will double the computing time. I thought the estimated time was based basically on the size of the work unit and that was it. Is there something else going on here that I'm missing? Thanks.

P.S. -- I'm running on a Windows machine.

You're right that the estimated computing time is based on the size of the workunit and the speed of your computer.

But there are so many weird and wonderful computers out there, that it's impossible for the project to predict it exactly, and not worth anyone's time writing a program to do so.

Instead, there's an automatic fiddle-factor called the "Result duration correction factor", which is used to fine-tune the estimate. You can see it on the page of details about your computer on this website, right at the bottom just above the computer location.

If a WU takes less time than expected, then the DCF is reduced a bit, and future estimates will be shorter. But it does this gradually - if it gets it wrong, there would be a danger that you could download too much work at once and not be able to finish it in time.

On the other hand, when a WU runs slow for whatever reason, as yours just has, it immediately assumes that every future WU is going to run just as slowly - again, to prevent you downloading more work than you can handle if the speed change turns out to be permanent.

Assuming you don't get any more errors, you'll find that the estimates gradually sort themselves out, and should be accurate again after about 20-30 completed WUs.

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