What? 6.8 Million Credits On One Machine?

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Topic 231325

My machine B550-E10 got almost 7x10*6 credits "yesterday" (~10am 7/22-~10am 7/23 EDT).

It has rarely exceeded 2.5x10*6 in the past, with a top of ~3M. Doesn't show any big jumps in any category that I can see.

What happened?

Any ideas?

(My other cruncher showed 2.5x10*6, high, but not out of line.}


Thanks for looking

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There was a day that E@H was

There was a day that E@H was down a week or two ago, so the validator was down. All of the completed work you send during that time builds up, and once it finally goes though, you get a big spike on that day. If you look at other computer's credit timeline, you will see just about everyone get a huge bump within the past week or so. This could be what you are seeing.

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Cruncher-American wrote: My

Cruncher-American wrote:

My machine B550-E10 got almost 7x10*6 credits "yesterday" (~10am 7/22-~10am 7/23 EDT).

It has rarely exceeded 2.5x10*6 in the past, with a top of ~3M. Doesn't show any big jumps in any category that I can see.

What happened?

Any ideas?

(My other cruncher showed 2.5x10*6, high, but not out of line.}


Thanks for looking

Well, you are not alone. There are a few crunchers with big production boost on that same day that you saw the spike. See Free-DC stats for some of the crunchers below. Speculating that there could just be more tasks validated on that day (e.g. from bunker drop causing validator or transitioner to overload or they are just behind). I notice that those with production spike from yesterday are primarily running BRP (including the three crunchers below and yourself). BRP7 has 14 days deadline while O3As has 7 days deadline so perhaps it could just be due to pending validation. Our top einstein producer, Ian&Steve runs O3AS tasks and his output yesterday is stable.




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Happened to me as well ... I

Happened to me as well ... I received approximately 1.7 million extra credits for July 23rd. 

This host does ~750k daily.  The days surrounding the 23rd appear normal.




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Has anyone else noticed the 

Has anyone else noticed the  http://stats.free-dc.org/ is down

No access for last 2 days

The best results on the web , hope it's not too serious

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Vince wrote: Has anyone else

Vince wrote:

Has anyone else noticed the  http://stats.free-dc.org/ is down

No access for last 2 days

The best results on the web , hope it's not too serious

It worked for me at times yesterday but is down for me right now as well.

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