what is up with this computer?

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Topic 191302

i recently had a workunit with a computer that claimed that a success with 0 secs of work and 0 claimed credit. when i checked his history about half of his returned results were like this. any thoughts of why?


Pooh Bear 27
Pooh Bear 27
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what is up with this computer?

This happens from time to time, and gets asked. What really happens is a bad benchmark, where all the numbers come up 0 for the Integer and Floating Point Ops. Since the credits are derived from multiplying these numbers with other numbers, you get 0. The data is good, just shows 0. Since it is the lowest result, it gets thrown out.

It doesn't hurt the science.

Steve Cressman
Steve Cressman
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The system in question runs

The system in question runs win98 so the problem has nothing to do with benchmarks. The problem is that win9x has a timer bug were the multimedia timer fails to start. This same problem is being worked on at seti beta by Eric and Rom. Once the final solution is arrived at it will be included in the boinc client source code. So you will continue to see this happen until boinc client v5.6.x is ready. The seti app v5.15 has a work around for this problem and it checks to make sure the timer has started but this is not the final solution, that solution will be included in the client.

98SE XP2500+ @ 2.1 GHz Boinc v5.8.8

Matt LO
Matt LO
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I can say with almost

I can say with almost certainty that this is someone running boinc under WINE in Linux. I did the same for awhile and the symptoms all match. 4.19 BOINC, the time reported wildly. I ditched WINE recently as the new linux beta app is at least in the ballpark with Akos' apps.

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