TLPTP Wildlife Edition

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RandyC wrote:Mike Hewson

RandyC wrote:
Mike Hewson wrote:

Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean you're not all after me. :-/

Look ! There's one now, trying to sneak off the ship .....


Now Mike, why don't you sit down; relax; take a few deep breaths while we all talk this over

behind your back

I moved a couple of things around and now my RAC is growing again but I don't know how fast or for how long, priorities are multiple and complicated don't you know!!

Dr Mike do not take those deep breaths in a smoke filled room as that will not help the situation at all. I wonder if Anniet whirling her arms around caused a vortex that sucked the air out of the room for a minute causing your paranoia?

Gary Charpentier
Gary Charpentier
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Mike Hewson wrote:Just

Mike Hewson wrote:

Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean you're not all after me. :-/

Look ! There's one now, trying to sneak off the ship .....


We are all coming for you.  We are going to steal those extra buttons.  ;-)


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I didn't tell you yesterday

I didn't tell you yesterday that I've got one of those really satisfying styes that form bang - a little to the right of middle on the inside of the inside of an eyelid, relentlessly gouging  at the relevant eyeball and swelling the whole region engagingly to gargoyle proportions did I? But I can see everyone's a bit... preoccupied... so I won't tell you now either.


work's every time doesn't it, anniet...? Yes, anniet it certainly does! Sow a teensy doubt in the minds of the sane so no one notices we're not even remotely so ... and we SWEEEP to victory!


edit: I did an edit just now but I'm still not sure there's enough punctuation, so I'll put some here --> ,-. ! : ... for just in case

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Mike Hewson wrote:Just

Mike Hewson wrote:

Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean you're not all after me. :-/

Look ! There's one now, trying to sneak off the ship .....

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anniet wrote:I didn't tell

anniet wrote:

I didn't tell you yesterday that I've got one of those really satisfying styes that form bang - a little to the right of middle on the inside of the inside of an eyelid, relentlessly gouging  at the relevant eyeball and swelling the whole region engagingly to gargoyle proportions did I? But I can see everyone's a bit... preoccupied... so I won't tell you now either.


work's every time doesn't it, anniet...? Yes, anniet it certainly does! Sow a teensy doubt in the minds of the sane so no one notices we're not even remotely so ... and we SWEEEP to victory!


edit: I did an edit just now but I'm still not sure there's enough punctuation, so I'll put some here --> ,-. ! : ... for just in case

I hope they gave you something to help it go away faster than just waiting it out!

Oh and I am  winning again!! AND my RAC is climbing again and should until I can figure out how to cool down a video card in a small pc case, no it's not one of those mini things it's an upright Dell, that keeps rebooting because it gets too hot. It runs Einstein just fine but that's not where I want to run it, someone is trying very hard to pass me on another project and I need to keep them at bay. It's not imminent but still if I don't do something they will eventually.

Mike Hewson
Mike Hewson
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Well with all this tremendous

Well with all this tremendous support I feel just as secure as an Australian Prime Minister is in his/her job prospects ! :-)

Now what is it about backs that makes knives stick in them so well ?

For those who were bored witless/asleep/deceased incoherent at the last anatomy lecture, my notes :


Or put another way : why do we need to oil our eyelashes ? A chalazion is not your BFF .... No joke, the lecturer used to wake us up with a trumpet. Typically by a firm strike upon the head.

Cheers, Mike.

I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...

... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal

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Mike Hewson wrote:Well with

Mike Hewson wrote:

Well with all this tremendous support I feel just as secure as an Australian Prime Minister is in his/her job prospects ! :-)

Now what is it about backs that makes knives stick in them so well ?

For those who were bored witless/asleep/deceased incoherent at the last anatomy lecture, my notes :


Or put another way : why do we need to oil our eyelashes ? A chalazion is not your BFF .... No joke, the lecturer used to wake us up with a trumpet. Typically by a firm strike upon the head.

Cheers, Mike.

I had no clue, thanks Dr Mike!!

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I hope they gave you

I hope they gave you something to help it go away faster than just waiting it out!

It's not like there's been an absence of medical attentiveness about this week, but I've not seen anyone who wants to offer anything other than: "ooh, that looks nasty" Mikey. I know. It's not impossible there's some sort of wager going on to see how much longer after my eye exits a lift, the rest of me does. Or...  to specialise in one field, some doctors have to tip out everything else they learned beforehand, so their heads don't hurt. I'd ask if I could but I can't. The good news is, that while making my other-half a cup of tea this morning, I decided to self-medicate my monoculairriness by slinging the bag on it afterwards... like a poultice, but while I was dangling it about trying to cool it enough, I dropped it on the cat. I'd still had hopes for the uppermost side as I went to retrieve it, except the cat flopped that onto the floor. 

It's okay though *wrinkle nose nonchalantly* These sort of things happen so often that my head had already worked out a plan B. Or, as it's now called, exhibit A in the legal suit I'm bringing against myself.  As I'm not really supposed to talk about it, I won't, but I can say that Plan B was most definitely  not ... "hitting myself suddenly in the eye with the back of a hot teaspoon"; And the charge of "wilful neglect to use a mirror or take precise measurements of eye-protusion from head (ocular overhang)" and "spatial distance; trajectory; and rate of approach (of back of spoon) believing: built-in heat sensors in the lid would be enough for safe docking of implement there", are so cynical. As if they would have made any difference when my other eye is an eye that can't be open all by itself without something to prop it there. I suppose what I'm saying is that if I'd splatted my eyeball with a hot spoon, that would have been negligent. Clear, open and not shut malpractice. *idly ... glance at Mike's diagram*

It doesn't look anything like the one in my Incontrovertible facts book. I'll have to check more thoroughly before I can say that with any real certainty of course but Melbourne Airport ... that looks a bit suspect to me...

Y-e-e-e-s... in fact it's so suspicious, it might help me win my case.

Thanks Mike! ;)

*BEEEEAM at everyone on way out*

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anniet wrote: I hope they

anniet wrote:

I hope they gave you something to help it go away faster than just waiting it out! 

It's not like there's been an absence of medical attentiveness about this week, but I've not seen anyone who wants to offer anything other than: "ooh, that looks nasty" Mikey. I know. It's not impossible there's some sort of wager going on to see how much longer after my eye exits a lift, the rest of me does. Or...  to specialise in one field, some doctors have to tip out everything else they learned beforehand, so their heads don't hurt. I'd ask if I could but I can't. The good news is, that while making my other-half a cup of tea this morning, I decided to self-medicate my monoculairriness by slinging the bag on it afterwards... like a poultice, but while I was dangling it about trying to cool it enough, I dropped it on the cat. I'd still had hopes for the uppermost side as I went to retrieve it, except the cat flopped that onto the floor. 

It's okay though *wrinkle nose nonchalantly* These sort of things happen so often that my head had already worked out a plan B. Or, as it's now called, exhibit A in the legal suit I'm bringing against myself.  As I'm not really supposed to talk about it, I won't, but I can say that Plan B was most definitely  not ... "hitting myself suddenly in the eye with the back of a hot teaspoon"; And the charge of "wilful neglect to use a mirror or take precise measurements of eye-protusion from head (ocular overhang)" and "spatial distance; trajectory; and rate of approach (of back of spoon) believing: built-in heat sensors in the lid would be enough for safe docking of implement there", are so cynical. As if they would have made any difference when my other eye is an eye that can't be open all by itself without something to prop it there. I suppose what I'm saying is that if I'd splatted my eyeball with a hot spoon, that would have been negligent. Clear, open and not shut malpractice. *idly ... glance at Mike's diagram*

It doesn't look anything like the one in my Incontrovertible facts book. I'll have to check more thoroughly before I can say that with any real certainty of course but Melbourne Airport ... that looks a bit suspect to me...

Y-e-e-e-s... in fact it's so suspicious, it might help me win my case.

Thanks Mike! ;)

*BEEEEAM at everyone on way out*

I HOPE that it's stopped growing and is actually diminishing in size at this point.

Gary Charpentier
Gary Charpentier
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mikey wrote:I HOPE that it's

mikey wrote:
I HOPE that it's stopped growing and is actually diminishing in size at this point.

You know our Annie, she will go for a new world's record size, maybe a 25 pound stye?  ;-)

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