Summer Heat Wave

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31 degrees C in the UK today,

31 degrees C in the UK today, 16 forecast for tomorrow...

Love our climate, my i7's all hit 80 degrees, but got home in time to open the garage door and let a breeze in !


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33C here in The Netherlands.

Message 98475 in response to message 98474

33C here in The Netherlands. I have BOINC switched off during normal hours anyway and only run it during cheaper hours (9pm - 7am), but had it even stopped at 9pm as the room temps were still in the high 20s (28C). It's now running at just a tad over 55C/59C (first and second core).

If what they say is true and we do get very heavy thunderstorms tomorrow, then the PC will go off anyway. No need to fry a perfectly good i3-530. :)

Donald A. Tevault
Donald A. Tevault
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RE: RE: Well folks, it's

Message 98476 in response to message 98473

Well folks, it's that time of year again. I tried to tough it out with the heat, and have kept things going longer this year than I did last. But then, I got my electric bill, and found that Georgia Power has raised their summertime rates to what appears to be a record high. So, after getting over the shock of what I owe for power, I started the process of shutting down my crunching machines. I'll keep a couple going, but for the most part, I'm done until winter.

Did Ga. Power up its rates like Dominion Resources(ie Va. Power) did because they weren't making enough money? DR raised it rates JUST because we users were doing our part to conserve!!! I now remember why I bought their stock many years ago, guaranteed profits!!!!

Here, in the deep south, electricity use goes way up in the summer, due to the heat and humidity. So, due to the laws of supply and demand, it's only natural that the price would go up somewhat during this time of year. This year, though, I think that certain political considerations are making things worse than normal. (I won't elaborate on that, so as not to offend anyone.)

On the other hand, Georgia Power has tried in the past to play a bit of hanky-panky with its rates. A few years ago, they asked for a rate increase to pay for a nuclear power plant that they hadn't even started building. That was one of the big issues in last year's Georgia elections.

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RE: RE: RE: Well folks,

Message 98477 in response to message 98476

Well folks, it's that time of year again. I tried to tough it out with the heat, and have kept things going longer this year than I did last. But then, I got my electric bill, and found that Georgia Power has raised their summertime rates to what appears to be a record high. So, after getting over the shock of what I owe for power, I started the process of shutting down my crunching machines. I'll keep a couple going, but for the most part, I'm done until winter.

Did Ga. Power up its rates like Dominion Resources(ie Va. Power) did because they weren't making enough money? DR raised it rates JUST because we users were doing our part to conserve!!! I now remember why I bought their stock many years ago, guaranteed profits!!!!

Here, in the deep south, electricity use goes way up in the summer, due to the heat and humidity. So, due to the laws of supply and demand, it's only natural that the price would go up somewhat during this time of year. This year, though, I think that certain political considerations are making things worse than normal. (I won't elaborate on that, so as not to offend anyone.)

On the other hand, Georgia Power has tried in the past to play a bit of hanky-panky with its rates. A few years ago, they asked for a rate increase to pay for a nuclear power plant that they hadn't even started building. That was one of the big issues in last year's Georgia elections.

Hey maybe they are now looking at The Bloom Box, according to the 60 minutes articles several utility companies are thinking of putting them in neighborhoods to save wiring costs! The box MAKES electricity so the only wires would be from it to your home, not from a power plant to a transformer to your home. They are even hoping to get the cost down to around 3k per box, a box is about 6 inches square, and each home could then have its own! Two would power a US home, one would power a European home and one would power about 4 to 6 homes in India! It does require a fuel to make it work but it is all chemical reactions, no actual burning involved.

Donald A. Tevault
Donald A. Tevault
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RE: RE: RE: RE: Well

Message 98478 in response to message 98477

Well folks, it's that time of year again. I tried to tough it out with the heat, and have kept things going longer this year than I did last. But then, I got my electric bill, and found that Georgia Power has raised their summertime rates to what appears to be a record high. So, after getting over the shock of what I owe for power, I started the process of shutting down my crunching machines. I'll keep a couple going, but for the most part, I'm done until winter.

Did Ga. Power up its rates like Dominion Resources(ie Va. Power) did because they weren't making enough money? DR raised it rates JUST because we users were doing our part to conserve!!! I now remember why I bought their stock many years ago, guaranteed profits!!!!

Here, in the deep south, electricity use goes way up in the summer, due to the heat and humidity. So, due to the laws of supply and demand, it's only natural that the price would go up somewhat during this time of year. This year, though, I think that certain political considerations are making things worse than normal. (I won't elaborate on that, so as not to offend anyone.)

On the other hand, Georgia Power has tried in the past to play a bit of hanky-panky with its rates. A few years ago, they asked for a rate increase to pay for a nuclear power plant that they hadn't even started building. That was one of the big issues in last year's Georgia elections.

Hey maybe they are now looking at The Bloom Box, according to the 60 minutes articles several utility companies are thinking of putting them in neighborhoods to save wiring costs! The box MAKES electricity so the only wires would be from it to your home, not from a power plant to a transformer to your home. They are even hoping to get the cost down to around 3k per box, a box is about 6 inches square, and each home could then have its own! Two would power a US home, one would power a European home and one would power about 4 to 6 homes in India! It does require a fuel to make it work but it is all chemical reactions, no actual burning involved.

Looks interesting. It would definitely make more sense than solar or wind power.

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RE: Looks interesting. It

Message 98479 in response to message 98478

Looks interesting. It would definitely make more sense than solar or wind power.

That's debatable. Solar and wind power don't emit greenhouse gases. The Bloom box oxidizes (i.e. burns) a fossil fuel therefore it produces greenhouse gases same as a coal-fired generator or an automobile.

On the positive side, it reduces overall consumption by eliminating transmission lines and transmission losses. A wind generator in your yard and solar panels on your roof would do the same.

paul milton
paul milton
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RE: RE: Looks

Message 98480 in response to message 98479

Looks interesting. It would definitely make more sense than solar or wind power.

That's debatable. Solar and wind power don't emit greenhouse gases. The Bloom box oxidizes (i.e. burns) a fossil fuel therefore it produces greenhouse gases same as a coal-fired generator or an automobile.

On the positive side, it reduces overall consumption by eliminating transmission lines and transmission losses. A wind generator in your yard and solar panels on your roof would do the same.

that assumes you could put either one up, in some places you cant put up a wind generator because of neighbores not wanting the "noise" or the "uglyness" and solar panels may not be allowed by other rules or ordanances (HOA's for example). and renters are just out of luck either way, at least i as a renter wouldnt invest in any of it with out some lease gurante that id atleast keep my current lease untill the device paid back.

really, we need better insentive's think about it, if your in an area that requires 2 meters for backfeeding that means your paying twice the base meter rate, and the rate they pay you for backfeeding may not even cover that base rate.

its sad really, i mean, think about what we could do power wise if just every single home in this country that got decent sun put up just one solar panel?

seeing without seeing is something the blind learn to do, and seeing beyond vision can be a gift.

paul milton
paul milton
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RE: RE: Well folks, it's

Message 98481 in response to message 98473

Well folks, it's that time of year again. I tried to tough it out with the heat, and have kept things going longer this year than I did last. But then, I got my electric bill, and found that Georgia Power has raised their summertime rates to what appears to be a record high. So, after getting over the shock of what I owe for power, I started the process of shutting down my crunching machines. I'll keep a couple going, but for the most part, I'm done until winter.

Did Ga. Power up its rates like Dominion Resources(ie Va. Power) did because they weren't making enough money? DR raised it rates JUST because we users were doing our part to conserve!!! I now remember why I bought their stock many years ago, guaranteed profits!!!!

WG&L (city utilty for albany ga) did that last year for our water rates, they had us under water restrictions, they applauded how well every one did conserving water, then turned around and raised water rates, a few months later removed the water restrictions (but kept the higher rates!)

seeing without seeing is something the blind learn to do, and seeing beyond vision can be a gift.

Mike Hewson
Mike Hewson
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Yeah. Been there, done that

Yeah. Been there, done that and got the T-shirt! :-(

Vested interest in status quo alas. 'Democratising' energy production, water usage etc to personal control requires a high level change in regulatory mindset.

About five years ago there was a state government subsidy scheme for household roof rainwater run-off tanks, then followed by the local water authority upping the rates ( lost revenue ) while also levying tank holders for withholding 'their' water within one's property! As this encompassed farmers dams too then it took a high court challenge plus a counter-suit to charge the authority for (a) storing 'their' water for them plus (b) lack of timely/due warning from the authority for inputs from the sky ( did they own the clouds also ? ) Wow. I kid you not. Eventually the judge ( fortunately most have a rural/holiday property ) told the authority to grow-up/get-a-life ( pay legals too but guess who'll eventually have to cough that up ) and don't come back into my court again. :-)

Don't tell anyone but : I have a 12000 litre tank next to the house under a tree ( so Google Earth won't spot it ). We have only paid the supply/access charge for about nearly a full year now. Plus I'm a happier man to boot. :-)

Naturally we expectantly await an increase in the base access fee ......

Cheers, Mike.

I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...

... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal

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RE: RE: Looks

Message 98483 in response to message 98479

Looks interesting. It would definitely make more sense than solar or wind power.

That's debatable. Solar and wind power don't emit greenhouse gases. The Bloom box oxidizes (i.e. burns) a fossil fuel therefore it produces greenhouse gases same as a coal-fired generator or an automobile.

On the positive side, it reduces overall consumption by eliminating transmission lines and transmission losses. A wind generator in your yard and solar panels on your roof would do the same.

In the 60 minutes article Ebay discussed that, they have filled the whole roof of their main building with solar panels and put some Bloom boxes in the yard. The Bloom boxes cost 100k EACH at their purchase point price, so they are NOT cheap yet!! Anyway the Ebay guy said that the solar panels produce more energy when the sun is shining but overall the Bloom boxes produce more energy cheaper! He said the cost of the solar panels was more, the upkeep of the panels is constant, and they are not very efficient. He said the Bloom boxes just sit there and work. He said they will not buy any more solar panels and instead will be buying more Bloom boxes as needed.

Oh and the Bloom box doesn't 'burn' anything, it is a chemical reaction, it started out as a way to produce Oxygen on Mars. Watch the 60 minutes article for as much as they are saying as to how it works. No links provided here as that could be seen as being 'steered' to a particular one. If you put Bloom Box in Google or Yahoo or any search engine links should come up.

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