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RE: What is your opinion:

Message 5886 in response to message 5881


What is your opinion: I have a choice in the next couple of days to get either a P4 3.4 Gh with HT, or an AMD 64 3800 computer. Which would you choose?

Take a look again at my results:
Pentium 4 3.4 ghz - 11 hrs 16 minutes per thread. (2 threads) 5hrs 38 min average
AMD 64 X2 4200 - 5 hrs 42 min per core or 2 hrs 51 min average.
Athlon 2400 - 6 hrs 25 min average

A single core 3800 will do better then one core of the 4200. If you check prices you may find that the single core 3800 is only slightly cheaper then the dual core 3800. It is worth looking at the dual core if you have a 939 pin mobo. (most can be bios flashed without difficulty to recognize the dual cores, and most the newer ones already recognize the dual cores.)

While I don't have any hard numbers at hand, I know for a fact that the AMD 3800 without overclocking, will outperform the P4 3.4 ghz even with HT. My previous AMD 64 3200, was only a little slower then my P4 3.4 ghz with HT on Einstein.

Get the AMD if Einstein is your primary project. SETI and Climate will do better with the Intel chip, unless of course your go dual core.

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RE: Take a look again at my

Message 5887 in response to message 5886

Take a look again at my results:
Pentium 4 3.4 ghz - 11 hrs 16 minutes per thread. (2 threads) 5hrs 38 min average
AMD 64 X2 4200 - 5 hrs 42 min per core or 2 hrs 51 min average.
Athlon 2400 - 6 hrs 25 min average.
Get the AMD if Einstein is your primary project.

Thank you, you have made me decide to go with the AMD! I appreciate your comments.

Turns out my company has a partnering relationship with HP, and so the HP dx5150 Small Form Factor business desktop with an Athelon 3800+ comes at a somewhat reduced price. So it looks like I am good to go!

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For some reason the work

For some reason the work computer was delivered as an AMD Athelon 64 3500+. I will know Monday, but I suspect the guy ordering it saw a way to shave off some cost from the 3800+ system :( [I left him about 5 voicemails telling him I was sure it was HP's fault, they had shipped the wrong computer, and that HP should let me use the 3500+ until the correct 3800+ system arrived!]

Anyway, here is the timing (which is nonetheless about 3X better than my old P4 1.4Ghz, which I now know was basically a piece of crap. From now on, it is AMD for me!)

AMD Athelon 64 (Winchester core) 3500+ processor: 20,300 secs. (5.6 hours)

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AMD Athlon 64 3700+ (San

AMD Athlon 64 3700+ (San Diego Core) barely overclocked to 105% - 5h 26m (19,553s) avg.

Michael Roycraft
Michael Roycraft
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Avg WU time ~ 5 hr, 15

Avg WU time ~ 5 hr, 15 min
Athlon XP-M 2600 Mobile installed in
Asus A7N8X-deluxe 2.0 mobo
512mb Corsair 3200LL ram @ 7-3-3-2.5 timing
2.448 GHz (204FSB x 12) 1.625 core V, easy2do - this 45 watt (@ default speed) CPU has a huge thermal and voltage envelope
non-exotic aircooling (TT Volcano12)

Built in Dec '03, ran Seti Classic 24/7 until August '04, this $US 95 CPU has been running Einstein day & night, often in 85+ degree F environment since March - rock-stable at these settings, as well as concurrent web duty and gaming. Could probably go higher but I think my 350 Watt PSU is the weak link, too broke to upgrade.

"The arc of history is long, but it bends toward justice" - MLK

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Looks like most of you guys

Looks like most of you guys had your WU time cut down consiberably. Last week my laptop speed jumped from 10 hours to nearly 20!!!

HEY!! wait a minute!!.... What did you guys do to me?

Actually, I think something is broken (after nearly 4 solid months of BOINCing). Laptop won't recognize my power adapter anymore, so it won't charge the battery and it cut my processor down to half speed.

"No, I'm not a scientist... but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express."

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AMD Athlon XP 2600+ 2.83 GHz

AMD Athlon XP 2600+ 2.83 GHz average time per wu is 22,000 seconds or about 6.11 hrs. So far so good. :)

One day man may become.

Jim Bailey
Jim Bailey
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Quad PIII Xeon, 4 matched

Quad PIII Xeon, 4 matched 500/100/2048's, 1Gig 50 nanosecond EDO ECC buffered dimms. Yup, it's a slug at 32-33 hours per WU. Only saving grace is that it does 4 WU's at a time and it is very stable.

See ya

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Hi Athlon XP 2800 @ 2120


Athlon XP 2800 @ 2120 Mhz Win XP 512 MB Ram

WU times between 22000 and 25000 seconds.

greetz Mike

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PentM 1.86GHz - 29,000 to

PentM 1.86GHz - 29,000 to 30,000 sec

Dual P3 933MHz - 63,000 to 64,000 sec


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