Please post project related only...

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Topic 187995

An interesting notice on the forum page which implores members to keep forum discussions to E@H related topics.

I wouldn't have thought that off project discussions would have created such a terrible burden on the projects host servers. Further I always felt that such discussion, when properly moderated, could contribute to the overall feeling of community. I think it is always a pleasant thing to share our interests, even if we do not all share the same interests.

Maybe I'm wrong...


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Please post project related only...

> An interesting notice on the forum page which implores members to keep forum
> discussions to E@H related topics.
> I wouldn't have thought that off project discussions would have created such a
> terrible burden on the projects host servers. Further I always felt that such
> discussion, when properly moderated, could contribute to the overall feeling
> of community. I think it is always a pleasant thing to share our interests,
> even if we do not all share the same interests.
> Maybe I'm wrong...

I think they are trying to avoid the Hate mongering and problems we had at SETI
Boards. I hope we can talk about subjects with an Einstein Twist.


If Einstein could pick the babe of the day who would he Pick?

I know he had a sense of humor....

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> I think they are trying to

Message 5284 in response to message 5283

> I think they are trying to avoid the Hate mongering and problems we had at
> Boards. I hope we can talk about subjects with an Einstein Twist.
> I.E.
> If Einstein could pick the babe of the day who would he Pick?
> I know he had a sense of humor....

I agree that there were situations there that should have been avoided...But if you're going to moniter the boards to keep to BOINC related, then it would seem just as easy to moniter for trolling/hate-mongering/flooding/etc...

Those of you that know me should realise this is not project bashing for the fun of it but a well intentioned discussion on what sort of discussions we should accept.


Catch your own wave...

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> If Einstein could pick the

Message 5285 in response to message 5283

> If Einstein could pick the babe of the day who would he Pick?
> I know he had a sense of humor....

Probably, This girl.

There are two secrets to life: 1) Don't tell everything you know...

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