2.21ghz with 2g of Custom DDR Memory Rated Up To 550MHz on a Thunder K8W-E mb.
The current RAC for that machine is to high should be more like 1300.
Ok that's allot more reasonable. Swagging off of current numbers it looks like I'll stablize at ~600. My ram's only at 480 though, and I'm guessing this is where your larger cache shows it's benefit as well. When I built my system the premium for a 2mb cache was IIRC close to $250 and more than I was willing to pay. IT's down to $150 now, and if I was building my new box next month (as planned) instead of in dec when my old one kicked hte bucket I'd've probably bought the better chip. OH well. In 18-24mo I'll probably be debating between dual and quad core at 4gig :)
what're they clocked at?
what're they clocked at?
Dan: 2.21ghz with 2g of
2.21ghz with 2g of Custom DDR Memory Rated Up To 550MHz on a Thunder K8W-E mb.
The current RAC for that machine is to high should be more like 1300.
Ok that's allot more
Ok that's allot more reasonable. Swagging off of current numbers it looks like I'll stablize at ~600. My ram's only at 480 though, and I'm guessing this is where your larger cache shows it's benefit as well. When I built my system the premium for a 2mb cache was IIRC close to $250 and more than I was willing to pay. IT's down to $150 now, and if I was building my new box next month (as planned) instead of in dec when my old one kicked hte bucket I'd've probably bought the better chip. OH well. In 18-24mo I'll probably be debating between dual and quad core at 4gig :)