Pending credit rising fast

Pooh Bear 27
Pooh Bear 27
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RE: Thank you Dave - much

Message 42109 in response to message 42108


Thank you Dave - much appreciated. At least I know it is not a major problem of some sort.

It will be nice when I suddenly get all 880 credits due to me :)

Lee AKA Grinz

There will always be pending credit. It eventually gets into your account.

As you already know a quorum of 2 results must match close enough for credit to be granted. Since only 2 go out, sometimes a machine, user, or other issue happens and the 2nd result doesn't get crunched, or is delayed. If it does not get done in time (two weeks), the result not returned expires, and goes to another person. So, now another two week timer. This can happen several times (usually does not, but can), and if it makes it to 20 errors (up to 40 weeks), then the WU is deemed bad, and hand checked by the developers.

I've had pendings for several weeks (I believe I saw the longest was about 8, but others may have had longer).

I hope this explains to those interested why sometimes their results are pending for a while.

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Yes, there should be pending

Yes, there should be pending credit. But...
I have 2 machines crunching Einstein. One of them is OK with some pending credit (several hundreds).
But the other has more than 3500. And one more point. It has 8 completed WUs (with pending credit) haven't sent to any other computer but mine.

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Arpika, I have similar

I have similar problem on my P3, received the data file on 24th of June, showing in my account are 22 long units from that file. It take the P3 nearly a day to crunch though one unit and only five have received credit, one crashed ( don't know reason), one is in progress, the remaining 15 are pending. Of the pending 2 have been set to resend, no reply, 1 has computer error not resent, 5 have not been issued to 2nd host yet and two nearly at deadline date were sent to new users (0 credit, 0 RAC). So I might get credit for the other 5 in the next 13 or 14 days as they were only issued to 2nd host yesterday and today.

Over 2,600 credits pending.


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