news from orbit@home

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October 21, 2005 In the last

October 21, 2005
In the last month, we've not been able to work on orbit@home on a daily basis for various reasons, but still some important results have been achieved. The most important improvements to orbit@home are the result of the collaboration with Pan-STARRS ( researchers in order to be ready to analyze their observations as soon as their survey starts (first light for PS1 prototype is scheduled for early 2006) and the observations are made publicly available. This requires substantial science-code development, and the results so far are extremely positive. As the first wave of WU demonstrated, the code based on ORSA works correctly on remote clients (only Linux platform tested for the moment). In order to provide WUs on a daily basis, we are developing a science-database and the relative management code. This will take a fair amount of time, about two more months of work. For this reason, the beta phase will be postponed to early 2006. Clients for Windows and Mac OS X will be provided as soon as the scientific application is considered sufficiently stable on the Linux platform. All the clients will be provided and tested during the alpha phase, to fix all the major problems before the beta phase.

Fuzzy Hollynoodles
Fuzzy Hollynoodles
Joined: 9 Feb 05
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I have detached from

Message 12625 in response to message 12624

I have detached from Orbit@Home anyway as I got tired of all the messages about no work (D'uh!) from the project.

But thanks for the update anyway.

We'll see when the Windows WU's will come!

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