Motherboard and System Reviews

Mr P Hucker
Mr P Hucker
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mikey wrote: cough

mikey wrote:

cough cough...Boinc Penthalon and the TBST Team 

Only did that for fun, once.  It was tedious.

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Peter Hucker wrote: mikey

Peter Hucker wrote:

mikey wrote:

cough cough...Boinc Penthalon and the TBST Team 

Only did that for fun, once.  It was tedious. 

Yes it is especially the way they jump around, you just get really going on something and boom you are off to something else

Tom M
Tom M
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An Epyc MB with 8 pcie

An Epyc MB with 8 pcie slots?

Any ideas?

It appears to be a dual CPU MB.

Tom M

A Proud member of the O.F.A.  (Old Farts Association).  Be well, do good work, and keep in touch.® (Garrison Keillor)

Tom M
Tom M
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Tom M wrote: An Epyc MB with

Tom M wrote:

An Epyc MB with 8 pcie slots?

Any ideas?

It appears to be a dual CPU MB.

Tom M

Got to looking. Both SuperMicro and Gigabyte are offering 8 pcie slots dual CPU motherboards.

A Proud member of the O.F.A.  (Old Farts Association).  Be well, do good work, and keep in touch.® (Garrison Keillor)

Mr P Hucker
Mr P Hucker
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I've just received my 12 slot

I've just received my 12 slot mining board.  This will be fun.

8 slots indeed.

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Ian&Steve C.
Ian&Steve C.
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Tom M wrote:An Epyc MB with

Tom M wrote:

An Epyc MB with 8 pcie slots?

Any ideas?

It appears to be a dual CPU MB.

Tom M

this is likely to be an Nvidia HGX-type A100 system. a full custom system bought as a unit and not built. the cards are SXM4 cards, which is a different interface than PCIe, there is no "slot" it's more analogous to a CPU socket.


Tom M
Tom M
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Peter Hucker wrote:I've

Peter Hucker wrote:

I've just received my 12 slot mining board.  This will be fun.

8 slots indeed.


Please keep us in the loop.  There have been several people who have had reliable usb3 cable to pcie-based crunchers including a couple currently parked in the top 50 at e@h.  So I am hopeful you can be one too.

And there are 1x to 16x ribbon cables out there if the USB setups get cranky.  What was that make/model MB again?

Tom M

A Proud member of the O.F.A.  (Old Farts Association).  Be well, do good work, and keep in touch.® (Garrison Keillor)

Tom M
Tom M
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Thank you, Ian&SteveC.  That

Thank you, Ian&SteveC.  That really looks likely if the other two choices are not likely.  I think the others were all 4th gen Epyc MB's.

Tom M

A Proud member of the O.F.A.  (Old Farts Association).  Be well, do good work, and keep in touch.® (Garrison Keillor)

Ian&Steve C.
Ian&Steve C.
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Tom M wrote: Thank you,

Tom M wrote:

Thank you, Ian&SteveC.  That really looks likely if the other two choices are not likely.  I think the others were all 4th gen Epyc MB's.

Tom M

the cards in the system you directly linked to identify themselves at SXM4 "NVIDIA A100-SXM4-80GB". it's definitely the type of system I showed. it's not possible to "build" one of these systems easily as the parts are generally not really available to buy, it's all proprietary and only works in their own ecosystem, and they are only available from a handful of vendors who aren't in the business of selling parts. you basically have to buy a whole system.


Joined: 22 Jan 05
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Ian&Steve C. wrote: Tom M

Ian&Steve C. wrote:

Tom M wrote:

Thank you, Ian&SteveC.  That really looks likely if the other two choices are not likely.  I think the others were all 4th gen Epyc MB's.

Tom M

the cards in the system you directly linked to identify themselves at SXM4 "NVIDIA A100-SXM4-80GB". it's definitely the type of system I showed. it's not possible to "build" one of these systems easily as the parts are generally not really available to buy, it's all proprietary and only works in their own ecosystem, and they are only available from a handful of vendors who aren't in the business of selling parts. you basically have to buy a whole system. 

So how long before one ends up in your domicile?

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