LINUX Beta Test App 4.17 available

[B^S] Doug Worrall
[B^S] Doug Worrall
Joined: 12 Mar 05
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Hello, Applied the app to a

Applied the app to a 2.4 gig 754 Ram p-4 running Mimime/Linux.
There has been no speed-up of the app.Took well in the folder and all,all 3 files,but
must have done something wrong.Will post once it is done.After installation I erased the tarball
that would not affect it?


Trog Dog
Trog Dog
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RE: Hello, Applied the app

Message 43203 in response to message 43202


Applied the app to a 2.4 gig 754 Ram p-4 running Mimime/Linux.
There has been no speed-up of the app.Took well in the folder and all,all 3 files,but
must have done something wrong.Will post once it is done.After installation I erased the tarball
that would not affect it?


G'day Doug

Look at these two of your results


The first was crunched with the old app and took 5249.25s the second was crunched with 4.17 and took only 4755.97s which is a speed up of roughly 500s.

I've haven't checked through all your results but it looks as though you have only returned one result that was crunched with the new app. Any stored cache you had before installing the new app was already marked for crunching by the original app. Your results from now on should all be from the new app.

[B^S] Doug Worrall
[B^S] Doug Worrall
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Hello Trog Dog, Thanking -you

Hello Trog Dog,
Thanking -you from my silly self.Really didnot see the speed-up untill you ponted it out for me,again,thank you,Wow a speed up of 50o seconds.stayed up to watch another one go trough,can hit he hay now.Is that average for a speed up,I heard it just keps getting faster as the app adjusts?
I am a happy camper

Dave Burbank
Dave Burbank
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valid: 37 both large and

valid: 37 both large and small
invalid: 0
pending: 5

There are 10^11 stars in the galaxy. That used to be a huge number. But it's only a hundred billion. It's less than the national deficit! We used to call them astronomical numbers. Now we should call them economical numbers. - Richard Feynman

Trog Dog
Trog Dog
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RE: Is that average for a

Message 43206 in response to message 43204

Is that average for a speed up,I heard it just keps getting faster as the app adjusts?
I am a happy camper

Don't know about that Doug. If you look at one of my boxes there has been a significant slowdown moving from 4.16 to 4.17. I got a 1000s increase with 4.16 but only 200s increase with 4.17

[B^S] Doug Worrall
[B^S] Doug Worrall
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Hello Trog Dog, Here are 2

Hello Trog Dog,
Here are 2 w/u, You run Linux also ,I ran 9.2 and -3 before Minime,which Distro do you use,saw your Kernel and donnot notice it,is it home made?

38494531 11759673 5 Aug 2006 19:56:48 UTC 6 Aug 2006 4:19:12 UTC Over Success Done 4,756.78 20.23 20.23
38494003 11759417 5 Aug 2006 19:56:46 UTC 5 Aug 2006 23:50:18 UTC Over Success Done 4,755.97 20.23 20.23
Here is integer and floating

Measured floating point speed 579.34 million ops/sec
Measured integer speed 1639.67 million ops/sec
Wow are w/u are exactly alike!Tried Harold Napsters O.C. with another Linux Distro,I like a new O.S. each week.Will be applying Fedora Core Res Hat this week,I think.So, your credits have decreased since this new app was released?
Did you have a O.C. at that point of time?Have they been illegal?{Sick Bird}
Only have one P.C. so surf in morning,and between sessions of Boinc.In Canada Electric has gone through the roof.Thanks to these Heat waves.That is why i donnot get much reading On-Line,need a "Kicker" for surfing.


Joined: 21 Feb 05
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4.17 is slow than

4.17 is slow than 4.01

CPU: Xeon 2.4G
OS: RH linux



Trog Dog
Trog Dog
Joined: 25 Nov 05
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RE: Hello Trog Dog, Here

Message 43209 in response to message 43207


Hello Trog Dog,
Here are 2 w/u, You run Linux also ,I ran 9.2 and -3 before Minime,which Distro do you use,saw your Kernel and donnot notice it,is it home made?

38494531 11759673 5 Aug 2006 19:56:48 UTC 6 Aug 2006 4:19:12 UTC Over Success Done 4,756.78 20.23 20.23
38494003 11759417 5 Aug 2006 19:56:46 UTC 5 Aug 2006 23:50:18 UTC Over Success Done 4,755.97 20.23 20.23
Here is integer and floating

Measured floating point speed 579.34 million ops/sec
Measured integer speed 1639.67 million ops/sec
Wow are w/u are exactly alike!Tried Harold Napsters O.C. with another Linux Distro,I like a new O.S. each week.Will be applying Fedora Core Res Hat this week,I think.So, your credits have decreased since this new app was released?
Did you have a O.C. at that point of time?Have they been illegal?{Sick Bird}
Only have one P.C. so surf in morning,and between sessions of Boinc.In Canada Electric has gone through the roof.Thanks to these Heat waves.That is why i donnot get much reading On-Line,need a "Kicker" for surfing.


G'day Doug

I did have a result from 4.16 that was 4300s, but it has disappeared from my results. I run Damn Small Linux on my boxes, it's a cutdown and modified version of Knoppix, it's not homemade I'm too much of a newbie for that.

I don't run optimised or calibrated clients, let's just say I disagree with their use.

It's still supposed to be winter here or maybe early spring but the temps are already getting to 30+C. :)

[B^S] Doug Worrall
[B^S] Doug Worrall
Joined: 12 Mar 05
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iehhh, A Linux person that

A Linux person that does not have attitude,This is refrehing.I cannot get one answer from any
Linux users at my sight.{non communicative}.Think they are pissed that when Linux first came out there was command lines and stuff.Now,newbies like you and I can load Damn small Linux or Mini me{BareBones} in 15 minutes.The only reason I run Linux is political and economic.I refuse to defragg and have "protection" from Hackers and Mal and spyware.Get redirected from sites,but,what great
benches you get.Was going to run Seti again due to the new O.C.BUT,I unseerstand it pushes
your Hard drive past its threshold,no thanks.Running Boinc already cuts the life of processors by 2 years,{heard that}.I never agreed with O.C. either,but when competing at the boards you need a little help,Einstein does not raise Ram useage.
Notice you are from down under,cool stuff,so exotic.The originator of Team synergy is from
Australia.A doctor named zain upton.He was real helpful when i first got a P.C. 2 years back,
was running XP with no experinece,dohh.Then my Linux buddy loaded Linucos 9.1 and I never looked back.Iwas going to try damned small linux next.
This is real refreshing I must say.The haet here close to Niagra Falls is opressive this Summer.
What part of Watlzing Maltilda do you hail from.
Gday Sir


Gray Handcock
Gray Handcock
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RE: iehhh, A Linux person

Message 43211 in response to message 43210


A Linux person that does not have attitude,This is refrehing.I cannot get one answer from any
Linux users at my sight.{non communicative}.Think they are pissed that when Linux first came out there was command lines and stuff.Now,newbies like you and I can load Damn small Linux or Mini me{BareBones} in 15 minutes.The only reason I run Linux is political and economic.I refuse to defragg and have "protection" from Hackers and Mal and spyware.Get redirected from sites,but,what great
benches you get.Was going to run Seti again due to the new O.C.BUT,I unseerstand it pushes
your Hard drive past its threshold,no thanks.Running Boinc already cuts the life of processors by 2 years,{heard that}.I never agreed with O.C. either,but when competing at the boards you need a little help,Einstein does not raise Ram useage.
Notice you are from down under,cool stuff,so exotic.The originator of Team synergy is from
Australia.A doctor named zain upton.He was real helpful when i first got a P.C. 2 years back,
was running XP with no experinece,dohh.Then my Linux buddy loaded Linucos 9.1 and I never looked back.Iwas going to try damned small linux next.
This is real refreshing I must say.The haet here close to Niagra Falls is opressive this Summer.
What part of Watlzing Maltilda do you hail from.
Gday Sir


Hiya Doug

Been running Gentoo for a while in a dual-boot with XP. Yup some Linuxers do have issues, but fact is that each OS has good and bad points. XP runs all my apps with no probs - can't remember when last I had a crash, but Gentoo is faster for most stuff. Einstein ran faster for me given the same level of optimisation in Gentoo, for example, and security prob via virii and spyware too low to worry about. Snag is that I like the games, and I have 2 apps that work well in XP, plus I paid money for XP so may as well continue to use it.

Linux has great potential, with most of the hardware hassles gone for the usual stuff, but as far as I am concerned it is early days yet - watch linux in a year or two.


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