The program seems to be installed okay, and the screen saver comes up. The problem that I am having is that I turned my computer on this morning at 8 a.m. and as of 5 p.m. it appears that the computer has only done about an hour worth of work and that is while I was on the computer working. When the screen saver comes on it seems that the program stops processing? What's happening? Can someone help me, please.
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How do you know when Program is working?
> The program seems to be installed okay, and the screen saver comes up. The
> problem that I am having is that I turned my computer on this morning at 8
> a.m. and as of 5 p.m. it appears that the computer has only done about an hour
> worth of work and that is while I was on the computer working. When the
> screen saver comes on it seems that the program stops processing? What's
> happening? Can someone help me, please.
> Perplexed,
> Melvinvwinkle
Turn the screen saver off, you should set the screen saver to none. Also you may want to check task manager to see how much memory you have available. I was looking at the WU your computer is wouking on and it took a 2.4Ghz machine 10 hours to finish it so with your 600Mhz processor it will take much longer. Also are you running any other projects or is this the only one?
Thanks Steve. That's what I
Thanks Steve. That's what I have done, but I liked the screen saver. It's just that when it comes on the machine seems to stop computing the program and I don't think that is what is supposed to happen or they wouldn't give you the neat screen saver, right!! It appears to be computing properly while I'm doing other things on it.
> Thanks Steve. That's what
> Thanks Steve. That's what I have done, but I liked the screen saver. It's
> just that when it comes on the machine seems to stop computing the program and
> I don't think that is what is supposed to happen or they wouldn't give you the
> neat screen saver, right!! It appears to be computing properly while I'm
> doing other things on it.
> Marvin
There are two general settings that you might want to check. The first is the % of processor time that graphics can take -- the default is 50% :(. I have set this to 5%. The second is the setting that allows BOINC to work when the user is active.
General settings have one setting for all projects, so you only have to change them one place, and they will be transfered to all projects and hosts for that account that are reachable.
> Thanks Steve. That's what
> Thanks Steve. That's what I have done, but I liked the screen saver. It's
> just that when it comes on the machine seems to stop computing the program and
> I don't think that is what is supposed to happen or they wouldn't give you the
> neat screen saver, right!! It appears to be computing properly while I'm
> doing other things on it.
I just added something about this to the 'Frequently Asked Questions' list on the front page of Einstein@Home. One solution is to set the screensaver to go to blank screen after (say) 10 minutes. This way you at least get *some* screensaver to watch. Better is to find a way to enable 'accelerated OpenGL graphics' on your PC's graphics card. Check to see if your computer vendor/graphics card manufacturer has an updated driver that does this. Also check that your screen resolution/color depth is set correctly to use this.
Director, Einstein@Home
i was checking with task
i was checking with task info program the amount of PC time screen saver consumes compared with the crunching thread and on my P3 700Mhz but with old video-card screen saver eats 50%-55% of CPU time. So definately turn screen saver off if your video card is old because that causes screen saver to run in software mode.
I finally just turned the
I finally just turned the screen saver off. I go to control panel when I want to see where they are targeting at the time and then get back to crunching numbers. I think that is probably the important thing anyway. It is just neat to know where they are looking sometimes.
By the way I want to think Captain Avatar for his avatar. Looks great. Thanks to all for the help. I hope this is all I need. I also want think everyone for reminding me that I need a new "puter". Both, it and I are getting old and senile ; )}
E@H FAQ has one more
E@H FAQ has one more suggestion for those who have old video cards
"set screensaver preferences to blank the screensaver after a few minutes."
the details are in this FAQ answer