How do I get the internet with Linux?

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Topic 222537

I have played around with Linux for a while, and now I am ready to set up my old computer with Linux Mint.  I loaded Linux to my computer and set up the desktop the way I want it.  Only problem is I can't get the internet up and running so I can download anything..... like graphics drivers, BOINC, etc.  I have an Ethernet Cable plugged into my box and it worked just fine with Windows 10, and I'm using a second cable to do this with my AMD box.  I also have a modem Wi-Fi adapter from Edimax (it also worked fine before) and the installation CD which has Windows, Mac, and Linux on it.

I just can't get it to work.  I know I need to be using the terminal but I'm doing something wrong.  What should I be doing, or how I should be doing it?  I've downloaded several files of Linux, like "Linux ip Command Cheat Sheet" and "Linux Command Line Cheat Sheet" from, and "37 Important Linux Commands You Should Know" with PICTURES!!

I'm lost.....  HELP!! 


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Keith Myers
Keith Myers
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Well, first some basic

Well, first some basic troubleshooting.  Do you know that the second wired ethernet cable is any good? Swap the cable you have connected to the Windows box.

Are you plugged into the correct ethernet port on the switch, router or gateway?  Switch the connections you are using for the Windows box to the Linux Mint box.

There should no reason that Linux doesn't automatically connect to the ethernet through a wired connection IF the wired connection is any good.  Wireless is a different story depending on the wireless controller you are trying to use and if it is a common one with a wireless driver in the base distro.

What does this show?

sudo lshw -class network -short && nmcli device status


The wired interface in modern Linux does not have the old traditional interface name of eth0 anymore.  It is some variation on what the motherboard exports.  My interface name is enp6s0 for example.

keith@Serenity:~$ sudo lshw -class network -short && nmcli device status
[sudo] password for keith: 
H/W path                Device     Class       Description
/0/100/1.3/0.2/2/0      enp6s0     network     I211 Gigabit Network Connection
enp6s0  ethernet  connected  Wired connection 1 
lo      loopback  unmanaged  --                 

What application does Linux Mint have for managing the ethernet connection?  Should be one installed by default.  Is the connection enabled?

Install net-tools and then run ifconfig and show what it reports.

sudo apt install net-tools


enp6s0: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST>  mtu 1500
        inet  netmask  broadcast
        inet6 2602:30a:2e16:39a0:c4c7:b1ba:5c81:687  prefixlen 64  scopeid 0x0<global>
        inet6 2602:30a:2e16:39a0::92b  prefixlen 128  scopeid 0x0<global>
        inet6 2602:30a:2e16:39a0:df9a:555c:fd47:1d2d  prefixlen 64  scopeid 0x0<global>
        inet6 fe80::19af:23f5:cf40:49f3  prefixlen 64  scopeid 0x20<link>
        ether 4c:ed:fb:77:72:8c  txqueuelen 1000  (Ethernet)
        RX packets 496593  bytes 564804720 (564.8 MB)
        RX errors 0  dropped 212  overruns 0  frame 0
        TX packets 381630  bytes 250669253 (250.6 MB)
        TX errors 0  dropped 0 overruns 0  carrier 0  collisions 0
        device memory 0xf2300000-f231ffff  

lo: flags=73<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING>  mtu 65536
        inet  netmask
        inet6 ::1  prefixlen 128  scopeid 0x10<host>
        loop  txqueuelen 1000  (Local Loopback)
        RX packets 59543  bytes 328481142 (328.4 MB)
        RX errors 0  dropped 0  overruns 0  frame 0
        TX packets 59543  bytes 328481142 (328.4 MB)
        TX errors 0  dropped 0 overruns 0  carrier 0  collisions 0



I am not familiar with Linux

I am not familiar with Linux mint, but I am familiar with Ubuntu.  With Ubuntu there is an icon at the top of the page that looks like a 70 degree radar sweep for WiFi or a pair of arrows up and down for ethernet.  I you have the arrow pair (or whatever they have on mint) click on it and it will allow you to see your network configuration, i.e., dhcp, DNS addrs, etc.  I am a avid fan of using the GUIs supplied with Linux.  To me they help reduce errors because they will possibly restart your network out of a need to do so based upon the changed attributes.  

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What does this show? sudo

What does this show?

sudo lshw -class network -short && nmcli device status


enp10s1     ethernet unavailable

lo                loopback unmanaged


What application does Linux Mint have for managing the ethernet connection?  ????

Should be one installed by default.  IT IS

Is the connection enabled?  NO

Install net-tools and then run ifconfig and show what it reports.

sudo apt install net-tools



george@GWG-PC:~$ sudo lshw -class network -short &&nmcli device status

[sudo] password for george:      

H/W path             Device      Class       Description


/0/100/1e/1          enp10s1     network     RTL-8110SC/8169SC Gigabit Ethernet


enp10s1  ethernet  unavailable  --        

lo       loopback  unmanaged    --        

george@GWG-PC:~$ sudo apt install net-tools

Reading package lists... Done

Building dependency tree       Reading state information... Done net-tools is already the newest version (1.60+git20161116.90da8a0-1ubuntu1).

0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.


george@GWG-PC:~$ ifconfig enp10s1: flags=4099<UP,BROADCAST,MULTICAST>  mtu 1500

        ether bc:ae:c5:23:a0:dc  txqueuelen 1000  (Ethernet)

        RX packets 0  bytes 0 (0.0 B)

        RX errors 0  dropped 0  overruns 0  frame 0

        TX packets 0  bytes 0 (0.0 B)

        TX errors 0  dropped 0 overruns 0  carrier 0  collisions 0

lo: flags=73<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING>  mtu 65536

        inet  netmask         inet6 ::1  prefixlen 128  scopeid 0x10<host>         loop  txqueuelen 1000  (Local Loopback)         RX packets 1449  bytes 103725 (103.7 KB)

        RX errors 0  dropped 0  overruns 0  frame 0

        TX packets 1449  bytes 103725 (103.7 KB)

        TX errors 0  dropped 0 overruns 0  carrier 0  collisions 0



As much as I have been trying to wrap my head around this lack of internet connection thing, I THINK I might have NOT clicked on the box at the point of install to have Linux get third party things like graphics card drivers, media players, etc.  I have no idea how to effectively get what I need without reinstalling Linux Mint and being sure I check that box.


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Robl wrote: I am not

Robl wrote:

I am not familiar with Linux mint, but I am familiar with Ubuntu.  With Ubuntu there is an icon at the top of the page that looks like a 70 degree radar sweep for WiFi or a pair of arrows up and down for ethernet.  I you have the arrow pair (or whatever they have on mint) click on it and it will allow you to see your network configuration, i.e., dhcp, DNS addrs, etc.  I am a avid fan of using the GUIs supplied with Linux.  To me they help reduce errors because they will possibly restart your network out of a need to do so based upon the changed attributes.  


I'm sorry Robl, but at least my installed copy of Linux Mint does not have an icon that looks as you described.  I wish it did.  Maybe I installed it wrong as I mentioned in my reply to Keith.


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Keith Myers
Keith Myers
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You shouldn't have to check

You shouldn't have to check third party drivers to install Linux for a wired connection.  Or at least for Ubuntu.  Even when you install from the media, the finalization of the install normally goes out to the internet to get the latest updates.  The install should have complained about not being able to get the updates I would think.

You are only using the localhost loopback IP address.  It is not getting any outside IP address for a DHCP address from the network.

So the first thing I would do is release and renew the DHCP client.

sudo dhclient -r enp10s1

sudo dhclient enp10s1

And of course that is assuming whatever router or gateway you are using for a DHCP server is working correctly.

Have you looked at your hardware setting in those devices yet?  You should see all you connected devices listed in the DHCP table. If you don't see your Linux Mint machine, you should investigate why.



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I have Comcast with

I have Comcast with internet.  My computers are both plug in with Ethernet cables to their modem and I pay for high speed internet of 200+ Mbps, currently it’s ~240 Mbps.  There is nothing wrong with my SATA and power cables to my SSD.  My Samsung SSD 860 EVO 2TB with Windows 10 works just fine, including internet, and swapping out the Samsung for my Crucial SSD BX 120 GB with Linux Mint on the same cables, the Crucial SSD works fine, all but the internet.  And I rechecked the cables again this morning.


Problem is solved!  I reloaded Linux Mint with an updated version, 19.3 instead of 19.2, and it now works just fine.  I am writing this post in Linux on my old computer.  Hooray!!  And this time I made sure to click the box for downloading third party drivers, etc.


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George wrote: I have Comcast

George wrote:

I have Comcast with internet.  My computers are both plug in with Ethernet cables to their modem and I pay for high speed internet of 200+ Mbps, currently it’s ~240 Mbps.  There is nothing wrong with my SATA and power cables to my SSD.  My Samsung SSD 860 EVO 2TB with Windows 10 works just fine, including internet, and swapping out the Samsung for my Crucial SSD BX 120 GB with Linux Mint on the same cables, the Crucial SSD works fine, all but the internet.  And I rechecked the cables again this morning.


Problem is solved!  I reloaded Linux Mint with an updated version, 19.3 instead of 19.2, and it now works just fine.  I am writing this post in Linux on my old computer.  Hooray!!  And this time I made sure to click the box for downloading third party drivers, etc. 

Linux Mint does not use 3rd party drivers for the wired net, something went wrong during  the install and it is fixed this time around. The 3rd party drivers primarily refer to motherboard and gpu drivers, it could refer to wireless internet drivers but you said you are using a wired connection.

As a hint try right clicking on the Boinc Manager icon and sending it to the desktop instead of having it load automatically on bootup, sometimes on bootup it can hang and never actually load. On the desktop you can double click it and it will run just fine. Also unlike Windows if you close Boinc, not minimise EXIT Boinc, then you either have to type some command line stuff or reboot so don't do that too often. In Linux exiting does not close out everything and it will NOT startup again if you don't do the command line stuff or reboot.

As a good thing I have not had to reboot my Linux Mint machines in well over a couple of months. I  do not use my Linux machines for anything except crunching, Win10 has messed them up too often with all their new stuff and they are not new machines, they are working and to me that's what's  important.

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mikey wrote:Linux Mint does

mikey wrote:

Linux Mint does not use 3rd party drivers for the wired net, something went wrong during  the install and it is fixed this time around. The 3rd party drivers primarily refer to motherboard and gpu drivers, it could refer to wireless internet drivers but you said you are using a wired connection.

As a hint try right clicking on the Boinc Manager icon and sending it to the desktop instead of having it load automatically on bootup, sometimes on bootup it can hang and never actually load. On the desktop you can double click it and it will run just fine. Also unlike Windows if you close Boinc, not minimise EXIT Boinc, then you either have to type some command line stuff or reboot so don't do that too often. In Linux exiting does not close out everything and it will NOT startup again if you don't do the command line stuff or reboot.

As a good thing I have not had to reboot my Linux Mint machines in well over a couple of months. I  do not use my Linux machines for anything except crunching, Win10 has messed them up too often with all their new stuff and they are not new machines, they are working and to me that's what's  important.

I'm not sure exactly what happened, but it's working fine for me now so I'll leave it alone unless it does something I don't like, or not understand.  As I've indicated before, this is a 10+ yr old PC with a few up grades, like GPU, PSU, and SSD.

Now I'm having troubles downloading BOINC Manager and getting it to launch in Linux Mint v19.3.  How do I auto-start BOINC Manager in Linux Mint?


I understand that I need to use a package manager, but I don't know what/how to do that.

EDIT #2:

Ok, now I've found what I've been looking for.  I used the terminal and installed BOINC Manager using the Linux Debian package script, and low and behold... it's in my Administration Folder.

Thanks for all who helped me, and I hope some others who are reading this (albeit silently) can learn a bit from this too.

sudo aptitude install boinc-client boinc-manager


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If mint has a favorites bar

If mint has a favorites bar on the left or right or top or bottom and if it contains  3x3 dot (.) icon you can click on it to see what APS have been installed.  Also you can right click on those APPs and "add them to the favorites bar".  You should see the boinc client in the APPs and you could then add it to the "Favorites Bar".

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robl wrote: If mint has a

robl wrote:

If mint has a favorites bar on the left or right or top or bottom and if it contains  3x3 dot (.) icon you can click on it to see what APS have been installed.  Also you can right click on those APPs and "add them to the favorites bar".  You should see the boinc client in the APPs and you could then add it to the "Favorites Bar".

No, sorry, Mint doesn't have that.  It is slated to be as close to a Windows OS as possible without suffering the wrath of Bill Gates, et. al.


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