Heads-up: IP bans

Oliver Behnke
Oliver Behnke
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Hi Adrian. First issue, I

Hi Adrian.

First issue, I was not able to log in, I had to reset my password

I'm sorry to hear that but it's unrelated to the topic of this discussion. Any IP bans discussed above would have resulted in you not being able to connect to our site at all. We haven't touched any accounts.

Everyone, please try and keep this discussion on topic. Adrian's account issues should be discussed in the Problems and Bug Reports forum.


Einstein@Home Project

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There are 11 projects in the

There are 11 projects in the list on this machine, all are free to run. Five rarely have work, I've not seen anything for a very long time - they may be finished, in any case, sitting on the list does not use much resource other than a periodic communications poll. Of the remaining ones, only a couple of them have work MOST of the time. There is a back stop project running at very low priority which usually has work, it is there to keep the machine busy when the others, collectively, have nothing for me. It is that project which I tend to see running on all cores most of the time. I would expect a higher priority  project with work available, to, at least, download a task or two. It/they might not start immediately if the back stop needs some time, but I'd expect them to run. Einstein has not downloaded any, and, as I said at the top, I have not seen anything from the project for quite a while. I have not seen any reason for that.

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adrianxw wrote: There is a

adrianxw wrote:

There is a back stop project running at very low priority which usually has work, it is there to keep the machine busy when the others, collectively, have nothing for me. It is that project which I tend to see running on all cores most of the time. I would expect a higher priority  project with work available, to, at least, download a task or two. It/they might not start immediately if the back stop needs some time, but I'd expect them to run. Einstein has not downloaded any, and, as I said at the top, I have not seen anything from the project for quite a while. I have not seen any reason for that.

That seems to be a problem across several versions of Boinc and I'm not sure there is a 'fix' for it, I too have several zero resource share projects as back stops and sometimes they will send me a couple hundred tasks because a main project is out of tasks or is having trouble communicating for an hour or so. A couple hundred tasks from a project that sends tasks that need a couple of hours to run is not the way I want Boinc to run on my pc's either especially when it's a back stop project.

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No solution, okay, project

No solution, okay, project deleted from my machine.


Wave upon wave of demented avengers march cheerfully out of obscurity into the dream.

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adrianxw wrote: No solution,

adrianxw wrote:

No solution, okay, project deleted from my machine.

That seems pretty drastic but as always it's your choice

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... off topic

... off topic

Donald Clouse
Donald Clouse
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For the past year I have been

For the past year I have been processing tasks 24/7. Often weeks worth in local queue. Recently I rarely get any tasks to compute. This is a machine solely dedicated to einstienathome and now it mostly sits idle 24/7........ 

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Donald Clouse wrote: For the

Donald Clouse wrote:

For the past year I have been processing tasks 24/7. Often weeks worth in local queue. Recently I rarely get any tasks to compute. This is a machine solely dedicated to einstienathome and now it mostly sits idle 24/7........ 

That's probably because the tasks you were running the GRP#1 tasks have run out and you need to enable ie the All Sky tasks

Gary Roberts
Gary Roberts
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Donald Clouse wrote:...

Donald Clouse wrote:
... Recently I rarely get any tasks to compute.

You've posted this in Tech News which is really not the appropriate place for your 'problem'.

However, while here, if you read the month old announcement at the very top of this forum, you will see exactly why you can't get more of the work you were doing.  There are suggestions for alternative searches you could consider as replacements.  Your GPU is quite old and may not be able to handle the more intensive current work.  The BRP7 (MeerKAT) tasks might be OK.



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Donald Clouse wrote: For the

Donald Clouse wrote:

For the past year I have been processing tasks 24/7. Often weeks worth in local queue. Recently I rarely get any tasks to compute. This is a machine solely dedicated to einstienathome and now it mostly sits idle 24/7........ 

... off topic  ???

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