GTX 645 question

ExtraTerrestrial Apes
Joined: 10 Nov 04
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Paul, did you already upgrade

Paul, did you already upgrade the PSU? For your current setup it's really not necessary. For example I'm running a mildly OC'ed i7 3770K, crunch on its iGPU and a GTX660Ti at full load. Power draw at the wall with an 80+ Gold PSU is 280 - 220 W, depending on projects and settings. Your current GPU draws much less than mine.

If you do upgrade, only do it if your current PSU is not very good. For a 24/7 cruncher nothing less than an 80+ Gold PSU can be recommended. I understand electricity costs a lot less in the US, but still it should pay for itself compared to a less efficient model (80+ Silver would be borderline, though).

And if you want to upgrade your GPU the GTX660Ti is currently a sweet deal for crunchers, since it's being phased out in favor of the GTX760.. which it beats in crunching.


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