The Great Slow Down

Tom M
Tom M
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Topic 228413


Bernd announced that the number of gamma ray pulsar#1 tasks would be limited until at least the end of October.

There are plenty of brp7 tasks if your cache runs out gpr#1 tasks.

I was sampling the top 50 listings.

A significant # of machines do not appear to be trying to process brp7 tasks at all.

And yes, the RAC scores of pretty much everyone appear to be declining. With or without brp7 tasks being processed.

So. Have you even noticed your supply of gpr#1 tasks are drying up?

Who else besides I, K, G and J? Are running brp7 part or all of the time?


Tom M

A Proud member of the O.F.A.  (Old Farts Association).  Be well, do good work, and keep in touch.® (Garrison Keillor)

Keith Myers
Keith Myers
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If the user doesn't have fast

If the user doesn't have fast gpus or a lot of them on the host, they may be able to keep them fed entirely on the GR#1 tasks, limited supply as it is.

I have trouble keeping the fast, 3 card, hosts topped up, constantly deplenishing until out on the GR#1 tasks.

So need to run the BRP7 tasks for a while to top up the cache and then go back and try to get some more GR#1 tasks.


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So far, my host with 3 GPUs

So far, my host with 3 GPUs (2080,3080ti,3090), can keep the cache. Had around 500 a few days ago, then it was going to around 200, but today I'm over 400.

Boca Raton Community HS
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We ran some brp7 a few days

We ran some brp7 a few days ago but we normally have no shortage of gpr#1. One of our systems (with a single A4500) sometimes won't have any, but sometimes does. 

How close are we to running out of gpr#1 (permanently)?

Keith Myers
Keith Myers
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We were told about 3 months

We were told about 3 months ago that there was only about 8 days worth of new work before the campaign was finished.

But they hadn't released the BRP7 application and work yet to take the place of the GR#1 work.  So they found some more GR#1 work to tide the gpu users over till they got the BRP7 campaign up and running.

So we really don't know how long the current GR#1 work is going to last.  We expect it will end eventually per the admin notice of the end of the campaign.

The server status page has now removed any progress stats on most of the sub-projects so no clue there either.  The stats page wasn't being updated anyway for that area so the estimates were incorrect also.

Will just have to wait for official word from the project about the GR#1 status.  Supposed to get the pre-work generation fixed at the end of the month so that should help in the availability.


Tom M
Tom M
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Anyone want to make a WAG

Anyone want to make a WAG about where the e@h RAC would stabilize in a mostly Brp7 environment? I get it that it will be lower.

I have noticed a lot of just over 2 Million in RAC systems. But it seems the bottom end of the top 50 list is resisting dropping below 2 million.

Tom M 

A Proud member of the O.F.A.  (Old Farts Association).  Be well, do good work, and keep in touch.® (Garrison Keillor)

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Tom M wrote:Anyone want to

Tom M wrote:

Anyone want to make a WAG about where the e@h RAC would stabilize in a mostly Brp7 environment? I get it that it will be lower.

I have noticed a lot of just over 2 Million in RAC systems. But it seems the bottom end of the top 50 list is resisting dropping below 2 million.

Taking my BRP7 (MeerKAT) production off of my 3080Ti, I would say it will be much less.

If I take 86,400 secs/days, divide it by the number of seconds (average estimate) per task with x2 rating, and multiply it by 3,333 credits, I get a whopping 1.4 Million.

(86,400 / 205) x 3,333 = 1.4 Million for E@H only

Unless I made a colossal mistake, I think your way off in your "prediction".


Remember, it will take a whole 28 days for the RAC to stabilize.


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Keith Myers
Keith Myers
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It takes longer than 28 days

It takes longer than 28 days for a new configuration to stabilize.  You are ignoring all the pending validation tasks that continue to trickle in for months later using the old configuration.


Ian&Steve C.
Ian&Steve C.
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Ignore RAC. Just look at the

Ignore RAC. Just look at the difference in daily production. 

or calculate it yourself by taking the time it takes each task to determine how many tasks per day you could ideally complete. Then multiply that by 3333


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Ian&Steve C. wrote: Ignore

Ian&Steve C. wrote:

Ignore RAC. Just look at the difference in daily production. 

or calculate it yourself by taking the time it takes each task to determine how many tasks per day you could ideally complete. Then multiply that by 3333

^^ This


RAC is mostly worthless unless you are running the same gear, on the same projects, with the same settings, for an extended period of time.

My system with 2x Radeon VVI and a 6900XT will do about 4.1M ppd on BRP7, compared to 7.5M ppd on FGRPB1G. ;)

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Tom M wrote: Anyone want to

Tom M wrote:

Anyone want to make a WAG about where the e@h RAC would stabilize in a mostly Brp7 environment? I get it that it will be lower.

I have noticed a lot of just over 2 Million in RAC systems. But it seems the bottom end of the top 50 list is resisting dropping below 2 million.

Tom M  

Don't forget all the people that will leave for another project that pays well too

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