If akosf's new optomized clients are working out, validating, and all the science you're seeing is good; a possible suggestion here...
There might be reasons to not release the code, but he's obviously managed to do a stellar job optomizing the science app here, even without the code having been released...
So, why not offer him a position on the E&H project team, and allow him to work on the software development with your people... Then these optomizations can be developed "in house" if you will, and the net result can of course be more science done...
Just a suggestion. From what I've seen with the app so far, it looks as if he might be a natural choice for helping the project out with apps development :thumbsup:
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Bit of a staffing suggestion for Bruce Allen
LOL, the results here for all to see from his efforts regarding his skills are sure more convincing than any resume "wallpaper" ;-)