ARM64 Linux / aarch64 apps

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also it would be advantageous

also it would be advantageous if Einstein could run natively on M1 (and later) series apple devices as they are now on ARM but currently they seem to run x86_64 darwin binary which seems to be ran through rosetta and thus has a negative performance impact

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There is a native FGRP5 app

There is a native FGRP5 app for Apple M1, see this thread.


Joined: 19 Jun 09
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o didn't know that - thanks!

o didn't know that - thanks!

Rainer Baumeister
Rainer Baumeister
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Moin Freaks, with

Moin Freaks,

with translator. :-(

Also on an Odroid XU-4 Einstein is whizzing:

Binary Radio Pulsar Search (Arecibo,GBT) 1.47 (NEON)

SystemOS: Linux Ubuntu: Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS [5.4.242-420|libc 2.35]

Why with this older version?

Doesn't matter, the main thing is that it works.

Estimated runtime about 2 hours.

Greetings Rainer

Rainer Baumeister
Rainer Baumeister
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RAC: 32801

sorry, I must correct

sorry, I must correct myself.

After calculating several tasks, the time is from 6.5 to 9 hours.

Greeting, Rainer

Rainer Baumeister
Rainer Baumeister
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Moin, (with I'm

Moin, (with

I'm afraid I have to add one more time.

My XU-4 (4 pieces) run since 2015 very stable in various projects to my satisfaction.

They are 8 cores with only 2 GB RAM, Einstein uses about 128 MB according to the computer.

But unfortunately quite unstable: every few hours one is in orbit :-)

Is there a solution?

Sat 13 May 2023 06:41:51 CEST | | Processor: 8 ARM ARMv7 Processor rev 3 (v7l) [Impl 0x41 Arch 7 Variant 0x0 Part 0xc07 Rev 3]

Sat 13 May 2023 06:41:51 CEST | | OS: Linux Ubuntu: Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS [5.4.242-420|libc 2.35]

Sat 13 May 2023 06:41:51 CEST | | Disk: 58.40 GB total, 46.14 GB free

SD card is quite fresh and the fastest you can buy

OS up to date

Greetings Rainer

Joined: 8 Jan 18
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Good day, Rainer!You may

Good day, Rainer!

You may have better luck posting your needs in the Cruncher's Corner forum.  That is where you might have more people read your posts and be able to help you.

Just a thought...

If you hadn't noticed, you can't create a new thread in Technical News, you can only reply to one already made.  It is for the administrators to post their Technical News to Einstein@Home users.


Proud member of the Old Farts Association

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Rainer Baumeister wrote: My

Rainer Baumeister wrote:

My XU-4 (4 pieces) run since 2015 very stable in various projects to my satisfaction.

They are 8 cores with only 2 GB RAM, Einstein uses about 128 MB according to the computer.

But unfortunately quite unstable: every few hours one is in orbit :-)

Is there a solution?

According to specs I found the XU4 has 4 x ARM Cortex A15 cores @ 2GHz and 4 x ARM Cortex A7 cores at 1.3GHz. I would think it would be more stable and perform better if you use just the A15 cores. You can't tell BOINC which cores to use, but you can limit it to 4 cores.

Rainer Baumeister
Rainer Baumeister
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Moin, (Translate

Moin, (Translate

many thanks for the answers.


Unfortunately, cutting the XU-4 cores in half did nothing.

With nice regularity the little rascals stand, only a power off/on helps.


It was done with

Linux running on ARMv6 (hard float), e.g. Raspberry Pi 1.47 (NEON) from 5 Aug 2019.


Maybe I can get it to work with the version

Linux running on 64-bit ARM 1.61 22 Mar 2022

to calculate. "Giving up is not an option" :-)


At the same time I will put my Raspi4B (8GB) on it.


The little things are running as already mentioned since 2015 and have very many results at



Outsmart Ebola Togehter

Smash Childhood Cancer

Mapping Cancer Markers

OpenPandemics - Covid 19

as well as SiDock, TN-Grid, Denis@Home and Universe.

In the process, they ran for years without any problems!


Thanks again for the support, Rainer

Tom M
Tom M
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Getting too hot?

Getting too hot?


Here is an invitation to an arm CPU thread in crunchers corner.

A Proud member of the O.F.A.  (Old Farts Association).

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