AMD radeon 6000 series (big navi)

Gary Roberts
Gary Roberts
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Gavin wrote: archae86 wrote:

Gavin wrote:

archae86 wrote:
I recognize that I am probably giving too much running commentary.

For those of us that are interested I don't think there is such a thing as too much running commentary. Keep up the good work!

Absolutely!  Exactly my thoughts as well!


Tom M
Tom M
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George wrote: Tom M

George wrote:

Tom M wrote:

From a admin command prompt: sfc /scannow might help.

"sfc / scannow" ??  You've lost me with that.


I apologize for the delay in getting back to you.

This URL explains the above pretty well.  Sometimes Windows 10 ends up with some garbled system files.  This is one way to diagnose/repair the problem.

There is always "Chkdsk c: /F" too but that is a different post...

Tom M

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Tom M wrote:From an admin

Tom M wrote:
From an admin command prompt: sfc /scannow might help.

I had seen several online references suggesting that as possibly helpful for extremely long time from Windows login screen to desktop.  Added to the suggestions here, I looked about, and settled on the specific prescriptions of this Microsoft support page.

In particular I ran DISM first, then sfc, with the specific switches specified on the page I cited here.  For good measure, I also ran AusLogics Disk Defrag, and disabled every single one of the startup items listed in Windows Task Manager.

Rather to my surprise, the next time I restarted the computer the time from typing in the password to seeing the desktop was down under 5 seconds, as compared to ten minutes the last few times before these interventions.

If DISM found and fixed any problems, I did not notice that it mentioned the matter.

Sfc did say it had found and fixed problems, but the actual log just had multiple warnings, all of the same type:

Warning: Overlap: Directory \??\C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\en-US\ is owned twice or has its security set twice

I'm posting this comment because I brought the matter up and it attracted some discussion.  But I think it would be best to try to herd the thread back to Big Navi matters.  I am grateful to participants Solling2 and Tom M for suggesting pursuit of system file corruption as possibly useful for my situation.

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Tom M wrote:George

Tom M wrote:


I apologize for the delay in getting back to you.

This URL explains the above pretty well.  Sometimes Windows 10 ends up with some garbled system files.  This is one way to diagnose/repair the problem.

There is always "Chkdsk c: /F" too but that is a different post...

Tom M

Thank you Tom for providing that link.  I hadn't seen the <sfc / scannow> before, and I have been on Lifewire many times.


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Robert Klein
Robert Klein
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Hello everybody! If it

Hello everybody!

If it helps anyone, I operate the following system:

AMD 6800 Reference Design

  • 950 mV
  • 2000 MHz Core Clock

AMD Ryzen 9 5950X

  • 775 mV
  • 3.100 MHz

Running 4 WU parallel. Approx. 800s for one WU.


In addition, the CPU also works for LHC and Universe. 

The reason for the low voltages and clock rates: it is a mini-ITX system in a DAN A4 case. When the GPU is working, of course, it gets a bit noisy, so the GPU tasks are only processed 12 hours a day.

When running the GPU, the system needs approx. 260 W from the socket.


Best regards, Robert

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Robert Klein wrote:If it

Robert Klein wrote:

If it helps anyone, I operate the following system:

AMD 6800 Reference Design

This system is reporting an alarming number of validate errors of both kinds ("validate error", and "completed, marked as invalid") and also far more "error while computing" tasks than I am used to seeing on a healthy system.

Robert Klein
Robert Klein
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The errors were caused by a

The errors were caused by a FirePro W9100, that I replaced.

Tom M
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I see at least 3 machines in

I see at least 3 machines in the top 50 that appear to be running "Big Navi" cards.

How stable have they been?

Are they as fast/productive as the Radeon VII on a card by card basis?

Would you buy them again or go with more Rx 5000 series cards in a larger case/motherboard?

What is the highest (inflated) price you would be willing to pay for one?

Tom M


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Tom M
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The buy it now prices for the

The buy it now prices for the rx 6700 xt are coming in lower than the buy it now rx 5700 xt.

On ebay.

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I can't believe I'm still

I can't believe I'm still trying to get my hands on 6800-anything.  I've ramped up my stalking of newegg and still not even close to getting one, even going above the budget.

I did get close to the 6700.  But, reviews are not good, so I haven't really considered that as an option.  Top 50 systems show a lot of AMD, more than I expected, no 6700s, but VII, 6800 XT, Fury R9, and even 5600 XT and 580s.

To follow up on Tom M's question, earlier in this thread it was established that Radeon VII is still top dog for AMD, IIRC.  But, the Top 50 scores show that 6800s are close.

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