Rolando Hernandez Rivero, se auto titula físico teórico cuántico y humanista, autor del libro titulado Testamento del Cosmos, duro escribirlo 23a, lo empecé en Madrid España, e el 1983, lo edite en el 27 de Marzo del 208 en castellano, con una nueva teoría de la creación completa, y en su unicidad, sus engranajes completos, teoría solamente, no está en ciencias exactas, explica cómo funcionan los superchorros, la 4ta dimensión, las zonas de los universos, los poli universos, así como los nucléolo universos, la existencia mas allá del microcosmos, del macrocosmos, las zonas creativas y de control, zonas aisladas, zonas de restructuración de las galaxias, así como en su razonamiento, expone el por qué no puede sucederse el big bang ni el infinito, solo sucede el Tsunami en un lugar de la tierra, y su posición verdadera, lo apoyan 6 datos importantes en el planeta, 1.posicion de todos los continentes y de forma gótica, 2.direccion de los ciclones, 3. apertura variada de la capa de ozono en sus polos, esto es natural en el sistema de los planetas, 4 el conocimiento que tenían los Egiptos de esta posición, 5. el tsunami, 6. El vacio enorme de los oceanos. (En un futuro próximo explicara las funciones de las galaxias, la exótica y el por qué se ve así), y cuantas formaciones mas podrían haber de sistemas de galaxias, aun por descubrir. , el accidente que tuvo nuestra galaxia, y de que si pudo en algún momento suceder la teoría de Ptolomeo, como puede tener la galaxia vida en otros planetas, también, lo que no explicaron y que les sucedió a los Mayas, que podría nuevamente suceder en la tierra o demorarse más de 500a a 2000a, y mucho mas. Solo hablo castellano, vivo en Usa, origen cubano, con herencia genética, hispano franco italiana, 55a, familiar lejano del escritor, Emile Zola, aun sin reconocer.
it is a mistake to expose that they live in the 4ta dimension, whenever one doesn't understand the 4ta dimension they make these exhibitions, as if they were them outside of the 4ta dimension, and we all live in the 4ta dimension, and it is not psychological, or mental, neither they will see people and different beings, stop to add the 4ta dimension, because we all are inside her, and the creation has part of each universal globe that you/they are many and countless, inside of each one of a 4ta dimension, the 4ta dimension is out and inside you, if they want to learn it, coarse alone to value, to the atoms inside you and to the galaxies away from you, all that is inside the 4ta dimension, I take many years loving them to explain, but they don't want to listen, since those that were analyzing the depth and they didn't accept it, it is that they have that enormous confusion, and we are in the correct place, where we can see to the 4ta dimension down, and up, the higgs bosón or particle of God, but if we analyze what surrounds us, we will be able to understand that we are in the center of the 4ta dimension, the one that more he/she came closer to this theory he/she went who more I help to that was discovered, with their chart of the powers of 10, it was Max Planck, and he/she went who hire Albert Einstein to be grateful astrophysicist, this explains to it to the makers of the hard disks, but nobody answers to my explanations, never a hard disk, will be able to work with the size of the jig, but if we analyze what surrounds us, we will be able to understand that we are in the center of the 4ta dimension, the one that more he/she came closer to this theory he/she went who more I help to that was discovered, with their chart of the powers of 10, it was Max Planck, and he/she went who hire Albert Einstein to be grateful astrophysicist, this explains to it to the makers of the hard disks, but nobody answers to my explanations, never a hard disk, will be able to work with the size of the giga, because they should count, toward the miniaturization, and not up, since the capacity of the hard disks, are they so tiny that go toward the depth, their values, but do they continue manufacturing the disks and are they physical, but don't they want to listen the opinions of the other ones, neither the convincing theories, have they never been able to understand the charts of the powers of 10, for when they make it, they will already have much more confusion the humanity, now yes we know the size of the atom and of the particle of God, bony, the higgs bosón, like it is that we will continue manufacturing hard disks counting that they were as the galaxy Milky Way?, it is abnormal and truly analphabetic, not listening, although the titles close them the senses, and it is better than they return to the institute, and take out the title again.
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