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Huff started discussion Running Lone wolf
Is it just me or is anyone else experiencing a lul, I have one machine that has over 12000 pending credits. I don't...
26th November 2008
I have the SUSE 10.1 flavor. Would this be a good distro to use for E@H??
8th November 2008
For what it's worth, about 14% improvement on an Opteron 285 using Vista Ultimate 64 bit. I feel bad for my wingman,...
4th November 2008
Folks, I looked at the cpu time and it was just under 50%. Something is taking a big chunk out of this project. I...
21st November 2007
I merged the two machines. (thank you) The tulatin shows two processes of einstein bouncing between 46 and 50% each in...
21st November 2007