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Quote:Spoil sport! I just wanted everyone else to do things my way! Then you're on the wrong forum! THAT attitude...
10th December 2005
Quote:Now I have been wondering why various spec's are set/held at the BOINC server, to be queried by each machine ( "...
10th December 2005
Quote:There should be a way to contact people at SETI ! Does someone know an address/phone/fax/something ? Maybe...
10th December 2005
You have to open port 1043 at the very least; it's used for internal communications between BOINC components. Nothing...
10th December 2005
Tern commented on No Downloads
Quote:Trust BOINC... Trust BOINC... Trust BOINC. Okay, that's implanted in my head. ;o) Jim, I don't want to give...
10th December 2005