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masitcgitw wrote:... I wouldn't think of that as being 99.000% complete when that part was actually only 70-75% of the...
23rd July 2023
Nah!  The line I was so obviously thinking about was         So he couldn't get sprayed You know, what might happen...
21st July 2023
socrbob wrote:... 2 of my task were invalid due to they were completed too late to validate. That seems strange as they...
21st July 2023
Mike Hewson wrote:It probably went to the pub:You're probably right there! However, I think ChatGPT got the limerick...
20th July 2023
socrbob wrote:...  I was not able to find the workunit ...Why not? Just go to your account on the website and pull up...
20th July 2023