Keith Myers commented on How do ya get work around here?
This morning, when I looked at all crunchers a few minutes after the outage started, I was down about 50 tasks on all...
12th December 2017
Keith Myers commented on How do ya get work around here?
I hope that the Seti computer jocks can fix the replica database lag issue. I think that was primarily caused by the file...
12th December 2017
Keith Myers commented on Any way to identify the gpu a task ran on?
Hey Gary, thanks for the detailed explanation. Makes sense now. I'm going to have to look at a slot once occupied with a...
8th December 2017
Keith Myers commented on Any way to identify the gpu a task ran on?
Harri Liljeroos wrote:Well, BoincTasks does show which device a task is running on and in the history tab you can see it...
6th December 2017
Keith Myers commented on Any way to identify the gpu a task ran on?
Thanks for the reply. I was feeling rather left out from the lack of response. I have identical cards in systems so the...
5th December 2017
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