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Quote:Also, I've been switching from win to lin (OpenSUSE Leap 15.1) and down to 2080s/WU, but I cannot overclock the NV...
18th June 2019
Thanks for your comment Gary.  I didn't think it necessary to make any disclaimer as referencing a post at Seti I thought ...
14th June 2019
Over at Seti, one of our crunchers keeps an updated GPU FLOPS vs Reality graph constantly updated as new hardware enters the...
13th June 2019
Quote:When I do so it says "deferred 24 hrs" (or something like that).  Will BOINC Manager eventually allow me to get my...
13th May 2019
When you detached from the project and then rejoined, you automatically enacted a <next_rpc_time>86400.000000</...
13th May 2019