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5 Aug 2008 10:18:07 UTC 7 Aug 2008 21:16:51 UTC Over Success Done 78,994.63 claimed credit 65.83 and granted...
7th August 2008
Well Stranger the S5R4's are here now and at the same time I figured I better stop by here since I just hit the 800,000+...
5th August 2008
I wouldn't mind getting some of those S5R4's right now. Or maybe be able to send in the 10 or so finished...
5th August 2008
Well I always had the 2 countries since I started back in 2000.....and I did the email address updates on all of them a...
24th July 2008
Maybe I should have used the white background. (strange things happen when I change my email address)
23rd July 2008