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Quote: One other item: I was running the 4.44 SuperBench and claiming around 117 credits for a completed WU. That...
25th July 2005
I took BOINC 4.44 off and reinstalled 4.43 in Menubar on my 1.33 GHz iBook G4. Left the new E@H 0.05 in place. Einstein...
24th July 2005
MacStef: You are correct. I did just what the download instructions specified - I put the 0.05 version into the same...
23rd July 2005
I forgot to mention... Result 6687975 is the WU that was running at the time I installed 0.05. After installation, this...
23rd July 2005
MacStef: Sorry about the delay in answering - I was flying from Los Angeles to Washington, DC, today. So far, the...
23rd July 2005