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Three GW tasks done, 10 waiting to run. Still running 2 Rosetta@home CPU tasks, six Gamma-ray CPU tasks and 2 LHC@home...
17th May 2020
Two errors on May 14, 5 on May 16. In these last all wingmen errored out. In May 14 only one out of 5 wingmen completed...
16th May 2020
I have 3 validated results on GW GPU tasks. In all 3 my computer is the fastest, even when compared to PCs with a faster...
16th May 2020
Yes, that is what GPU-Z says- Tullio
15th May 2020
All GW GPU tasks on my GTX 1060 with 3 GB Video RAM failed on April 29. All GW GPU tasks completed successfully today but...
14th May 2020