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Excellent! I had heard before that when the engines start, water at a rate of thousands of gallons per minute is pumped...
18th July 2006
Ovaltine all round......... It's been a rough day for us too here at Insurance House in Leicester - 35 degrees and the...
17th July 2006
Quote:Quote:***Please can I put the record straight here!*** I AM A POMMY !! Is that short for Pomeranian? I was...
17th July 2006
July 17 David Hasselhof (born 1952) Tim Brooke-Taylor (born 1942) James Cagney (born 1899) Today in 1998 - In...
17th July 2006
John Hunt commented on Word Link 12
Twenty-five (years for a standard repayment mortgage in the UK)
16th July 2006