Ben Owen commented on Speed of light times 1.4
There are several different things here:
It's the "phase velocity" that can be faster than c. The phase velocity...
1st October 2005
Ben Owen commented on Prospective GW sources
Mark, it seems I was unclear.
The main emission mechanism for anything Einstein@Home could see is deformations of the...
19th August 2005
Ben Owen commented on Prospective GW sources
Mark Forester wrote:
Quote:I was looking for a discriptive term that would describe a material that can withstand...
13th August 2005
Ben Owen commented on Prospective GW sources
epros wrote:
Considering neutron stars as a kind of "approach" to black holes, I expect they _almost_ lose...
11th August 2005
Ben Owen commented on What's up with the data?
The reviewers have finished combing the "End of May" report, and Bruce is implementing their suggested tweaks (...
6th August 2005
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