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Ben Owen commented on Few Questions
gravywavy wrote: Quote:Quote:... The basic driving fact is that the all-sky pulsar search is the most computationally...
21st January 2006
Ben Owen commented on Pie in the Sky
Mike, There is an updated review of sources and event rate estimates here. Actually, it's almost four years old and...
21st January 2006
Ben Owen commented on Pie in the Sky
Mike Hewson wrote: Quote:Are there any advantages to interferometers arrays that are non-planar? There is one,...
10th January 2006
Edo Rajh wrote: Quote:It will be really useful if we could get to other talks given at the 10th Gravitational Wave...
9th January 2006
Ben Owen commented on Few Questions
Edo, We (meaning the whole LIGO Science Collaboration, not just those involved with E@H) have been focused on trying to...
9th January 2006