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Quote:It's funny that you decided to agree with me ~~gravywavy, because after reading up on how LTD and STD work i...
31st July 2005
Further testing has uncovered another issue that might be important. When no scheduler can be reached, the v4.45 client...
31st July 2005
This posting belongs with this posting within this original thread - I have posted this in a separate thread, as the...
31st July 2005
Quote:Quote: Is it downloading the SAME 6MB file each time (l1_XXXX.X) or a different one? It is downloading then new...
31st July 2005
gravywavy commented on Boinc 4.45
Quote:Quote:112184seconds is only 31.xx hours. That's not that big of a deal. Quote:Well, this is stupid. I change...
31st July 2005