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Running only one gpu work unit and no cpu work unit gives nearly flat perfomance. So one old cpu core (Core 2 Duo /Penryn...
17th September 2012
Ok, my conclusion came to fast. The same is happening with the old driver. Although only one cpu and one gpu work unit is...
16th September 2012
I have also seen some odd behaviour of the newer nvidia drivers. The gpu usage is jumping up and down. Running two work...
16th September 2012
Over at anandtech this card was tested and the result is: good as htpc but horrible at gaming. This card has DDR3 and...
25th June 2012
The SSD will last longer than you think. I have one host running 24/7 for several years. 2.5 years ago I installed a 80GB...
20th June 2012