I'm 50 years old and Pastor an inter-denominational Church in SE Houston - Deer Park Fellowship.
I started University of Houston on a Physics scholarship but ended up getting my undergraduate degrees in Molecular Biology and Neuropharmacology - from University of Houston and UT Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. I put in over a decade of research at the largest medical center in the world - the Texas Medical Center at Houston - and thoroughly enjoyed it. But physics and astronomy were always my greatest love, as far back as the third grade!
As Biomechanics Laboratory Manager for the Department of Orthopaedics at UT Medical School (in Houston), I migrated from a clinical research role to more of a data analysis and "IT" guy. I've always loved computers and my first home system was a C1P from Ohio Scientific. It was a kit I built at home in 1976 and had a whopping 4k of RAM. A Commodore 64 soon followed that, then an Amiga, a Mac, PCs, and everything else I could get. At the Lab, I was building CrayStation front-end software on VAX/VMS for FEA 3D transformations on MRI scans of bones and joints for clinical replacement surgery.
Being able to bring my love for computers into my research and academic career was a dream and soon I found I enjoyed the IT work more than the science. :) Over the next 20 years, this led me on a career path that eventually left the science for IT work in business (mostly Oil and Gas in Houston, but some Healthcare as well).
I got my "calling" to Christian Ministry in 1991 and attended Seminary at the largest Houston-based Protestant seminary - Houston Graduate School of Theology. Though I Pastor full-time, I continue to enjoy "tent-making" as an IT Business Analyst for a large sw development company. I'm no longer involved in science in my career, so BOINC allows me to continue to have some participation is physics (E@H), astronomy (S@H), and molecular biology (R@H).
BTW - when will BOINC come out with a client for VMS ?? :)
Because I'm no longer involved in science in my career, E@H allows me to continue to have some participation is physics and astronomy. The concept of massively distributed client computing is awesome and I'm happy to be able to be a part of the science involved.
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