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No, we didn't change anything regarding the device assignment code there. All we changed is some handling / renaming /...
7th November 2023
It is. "new" workunits ("O3ASHF1b") are assigned to apps with the "GW-opencl-*-2" plan classes, which are set to require...
7th November 2023
First such "new-style" "bundled" tasks are generated and sent (labeled "O3HS1b"). Some have a short deadlie to get faster...
3rd November 2023
I'm not sure if I understand the question. In O3ASHF1 we are analyzing O3 data in a "high" (for GW) frequency range (800-...
2nd November 2023
1. Indeed freeing the GPU memory is theoretically possible, although it's not easy technically, i.e. within the current...
1st November 2023