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> >>The Core Client doesn't actually do any of the work. It won't affect > the speed of the E@H project...
22nd January 2005
The Core Client doesn't actually do any of the work. It won't affect the speed of the E@H project application. I...
22nd January 2005
> Getting an unusual situation with 4.16... Or maybe it's just an update bug: > > I've just updated, and the...
22nd January 2005
I also lost some WUs from 4.16. It killed Predictor and Einstein, but left S@H and CPDN alone. I did roll back to 4.15 and...
22nd January 2005
> OK. I understand now. I've just never heard it referred to as 'debt' before. That's what the programmers call it...
21st January 2005