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Why are there so called overreplications (Zuvielfachauslieferungen ^^) >
13th July 2008
How come he was able to install the AMD Phenom in Linux in the first place? Old motherboard? I actually went to the post...
1st January 2008
Phew! As slow as a X2 with the same speed? Hence you only benefit from the doubled core count. A Xeon X3210 would be...
26th December 2007
Check the state of PROCHOT and/or THERMTRIP of your CPUs if you have such an erratic behavior. It is obvious that with 4....
10th October 2007
Is it only with me, a coincidence or is 4.07 slower than 4.01? 4.07: ~ 47250 s (2 WUs; 221.57 C; 47131 - 47347 s) 4.01...
10th October 2007