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The boinc manager says, the process is using 1 CPU and 1 GPU. The Website tells me it is Binary Radio Pulsar Search (...
2nd August 2013
PA0050_00441_261_1 - 165131666 - 24 May 2013 8:41:29 UTC - 26 May 2013 15:10:28 UTC - Completed, waiting for validation -...
26th May 2013
Quote:Well, recent versions of BOINC should be able to detect whether 64Bit machines can run 32Bit Apps, and report...
29th May 2012
Looks like it's fixed since 20 minutes (seem's to be related to
21st November 2011
Well ... same story here. No CUDA WUs since 11-19-2011. It looks a lot like the problem described here: http://...
21st November 2011