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Hi Athlon XP 2800 @ 2120 Mhz Win XP 512 MB Ram WU times between 22000 and 25000 seconds. greetz Mike
19th September 2005
Quote:Quote:Has anyone else to get BOINCManager to display the Einstein graphics? Probably not. I just found a...
10th September 2005
HI Well said, what i see is most user unfriendly. Long run time, short deadline. With optimized clients it would give...
12th July 2005
Mike commented on ATI Gtaph Cards Fix
Hi I posted before in a other thread. The answer from Bernd Maschenschalk. quote Hopefully this month. There has...
11th June 2005
Mike started discussion again deadline
Hi What i find on my stats is not one out of 4 results in the deadline. My brother forgot to hit update but no other in...
6th June 2005